SparkX CO₂ Humidity and Temperature Sensor - SCD30 (SPX-14751)
The SCD30 from Sensirion is a high quality NDIR based CO₂ sensor capable of detecting 400 to 10000ppm with an accuracy of ±(30ppm+3%). In order to improve accuracy the SCD30 has temperature and humidity sensing built-in, as well as commands to compensate for altitude.
We've written an Arduino library to make reading the CO₂, humidity, and temperature very easy. It can be downloaded through the Arduino Library manager: search for 'SparkFun SCD30'. We recommend using a Qwiic Breadboard Cable to connect the SCD30 to a Qwiic compatible board. The YeLLow wire goes in the SCL pin. The SCD30 also supports a serial interface but we haven't worked with it.
The CO₂ sensor works very well and for additional accuracy the SCD30 accepts ambient pressure readings. We recommend using the SCD30 in conjunction with the Qwiic Pressure Sensor - MS5637 or the Qwiic Environmental Sensor - BME680 to obtain the current barometric pressure.
Note: The SCD30 has an automatic self-calibration routine. Sensirion recommends 7 days of continuous readings with at least 1 hour a day of 'fresh air' for self-calibration to complete.
Library written by Nathan Seidle (SparkFun).
Thanks to!
- jobr97 for adding the getTemperatureOffset() method
- bobobo1618 for writing a CRC check and improving the return values of the library
- labeneator for adding method to disable calibrate at begin
- AndreasExner for adding reset and getAutoSelfCalibration methods
- awatterott for adding getAltitudeCompensation()
- jogi-k for adding teensy i2clib support
- paulvha for the suggestions and corrections in his version of the library
- yamamaya for the 3ms delay
- /examples - Example sketches for the library (.ino). Run these from the Arduino IDE.
- /src - Source files for the library (.cpp, .h).
- keywords.txt - Keywords from this library that will be highlighted in the Arduino IDE.
- - General library properties for the Arduino package manager.
- Installing an Arduino Library Guide - Basic information on how to install an Arduino library.
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Please use, reuse, and modify these files as you see fit. Please maintain attribution to SparkFun Electronics and release anything derivative under the same license.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun.