Template for Therion surveys.
- Create a new repo, pointing to this one as a template.
- Enable GitHub pages (From actions) for the repo.
- Clone it to your laptop with submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules ...
or - Clone regularly, and then
git submodule update --init
after you are done. - Run
git submodule update --remote --merge
to get the latest layout -- repeat this step once in a while to pull new layouts - Edit
and take it from there.
- thconfig - config coming from this template. should not need a change.
- main.th - skeleton for your main survey file with main center line. this is what you edit.
- layouts - linked layout templates. really a git module for speleobrad@therion-layouts
- surveys - folder for your surveys
- drawings - folder for your scanned drawings
- output - folder where you'll get your output
All stuff CC BY-NC-SA 4.0