As a Software Engineer, I find that self-learning is a good method to further my knowledge conceptually. I try to work on my skills daily. In order to apply this knowledge, I create and develop apps that are interesting and useful to me. Throughout the development process, I learned how to decide on trade-offs between software features I am working on to implement. Lastly, to keep my skills updated to the skills required in the industry, I constantly look at news updates and trends of different web frameworks and tech stacks, study technologies for companies I am interested in.
Flowdrate is a minimalist productivity/lifestyle app. A Pomodoro timer for productivity and Drink your Water reminder feature (currently in development) is integrated on this app. After starting the app, you will be directed to view that contains navigation for Flow for the Pomodoro productivity timer and Drink your Water for the Water Reminder feature. If you select Flow, you can use the timer to set a time to focus on tasks you want to do. It will notify you once the timer is done. For Drink your Water view, it only keeps track of how much bottles you want to set as of now.
The purpose for creating this app is to further my knowledge for Mobile App Development, specifically iOS App Development. I am passionate about using technologies created by Apple which led me to use XCode and Swift. As a developer, I constantly use a Pomodoro timer to not lose track of time when I start programming and to keep me focused and productive. Also, reminding yourself to drink water keeps yourself healthy. Creating a Mobile App that does these simple things were my goals for creating this Mobile App.
{Describe the tools that you used to develop the app}
- Swift
- SwiftUI
- UserNotifications
- XCode
- Personal iPhone 12
{Make a list of websites that you found helpful in this project}
- iOS App Dev Tutorials
- Countdown Timer
- Source Control in XCode
- Switch Statements in Swift
- Loop Syntax in Swift
- Getting Date Components in Type Date
- Local Notifications
Having the timer's state for the whole app (parent) so that it continues to run even if we navigate to other views.(Completed: 11/10/22)- ~~Functionality of Drinking Water Feature - wherein a user can set how much water each day. ~~ (Completed: 11/10/22)
- Also, save this data to be viewed for analysis in the future
- Improve the design of each view.