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Generator Class

spessasus edited this page Jul 27, 2024 · 1 revision

Generator class

This class represents a single generator.



An enum, see below.

console.log(generator.generatorType); // 48 - initial attenuation


The generator's value, can be negative.

console.log(generator.generatorValue); // -10

All generator types

Below are all defined generator types as of soundfont 2.04.


Generator 48 (Initial Attenuation) applies a 0.04 multiplier instead of 0.1 multiplier like in the spec. Every soundfont synth does this to remain compatible unfortunately.

Generator ID Generator Name Minimum Value Maximum Value Default Value Description
0 Start Address Offset 0 32768 0 Sample control - moves sample start point
1 End Address Offset -32768 32768 0 Sample control - moves sample end point
2 Start Loop Address Offset -32768 32768 0 Loop control - moves loop start point
3 End Loop Address Offset -32768 32768 0 Loop control - moves loop end point
4 Start Address Coarse Offset 0 32768 0 Sample control - moves sample start point in 32767 increments
5 Modulation LFO to Pitch -12000 12000 0 Pitch modulation - Modulation LFO pitch modulation in cents
6 Vibrato LFO to Pitch -12000 12000 0 Pitch modulation - Vibrato LFO pitch modulation in cents
7 Modulation Envelope to Pitch -12000 12000 0 Pitch modulation - Modulation envelope pitch modulation in cents
8 Initial Filter Cutoff 1500 13500 13500 Filter - Lowpass filter cutoff in cents
9 Initial Filter Resonance 0 960 0 Filter - Lowpass filter resonance
10 Modulation LFO to Filter Cutoff -12000 12000 0 Filter modulation - Modulation LFO lowpass filter cutoff in cents
11 Modulation Envelope to Filter Cutoff -12000 12000 0 Filter modulation - Modulation envelope lowpass filter cutoff in cents
12 End Address Coarse Offset -32768 32768 0 Sample control - Moves sample end point in 32767 increments
13 Modulation LFO to Volume -960 960 0 Modulation LFO - Volume (tremolo), where 100 = 10dB
14 Unused 1 - - - Unused
15 Chorus Effects Send 0 1000 0 Effect send - How much is sent to chorus
16 Reverb Effects Send 0 1000 0 Effect send - How much is sent to reverb
17 Pan -500 500 0 Panning - Where -500 = left, 0 = center, 500 = right
18 Unused 2 - - - Unused
19 Unused 3 - - - Unused
20 Unused 4 - - - Unused
21 Delay Modulation LFO -12000 5000 -12000 Mod LFO - Delay for Mod LFO to start from zero (weird scale)
22 Frequency Modulation LFO -16000 4500 0 Mod LFO - Frequency of Mod LFO, 0 = 8.176Hz, unit: f => 1200log2(f/8.176)
23 Delay Vibrato LFO -12000 5000 -12000 Vibrato LFO - Delay for vibrato LFO to start from zero (weird scale)
24 Frequency Vibrato LFO -16000 4500 0 Vibrato LFO - Frequency of Vibrato LFO, 0 = 8.176Hz, unit: f => 1200log2(f/8.176)
25 Delay Modulation Envelope -12000 5000 -12000 Mod Envelope - 0 = 1s delay till Mod Envelope starts
26 Attack Modulation Envelope -12000 8000 -12000 Mod Envelope - Attack of Mod Envelope
27 Hold Modulation Envelope -12000 5000 -12000 Mod Envelope - Hold of Mod Envelope
28 Decay Modulation Envelope -12000 8000 -12000 Mod Envelope - Decay of Mod Envelope
29 Sustain Modulation Envelope 0 1000 0 Mod Envelope - Sustain of Mod Envelope
30 Release Modulation Envelope -12000 8000 -12000 Mod Envelope - Release of Mod Envelope
31 Key Number to Modulation Envelope Hold -1200 1200 0 Mod Envelope - Also modulating Mod Envelope hold with key number
32 Key Number to Modulation Envelope Decay -1200 1200 0 Mod Envelope - Also modulating Mod Envelope decay with key number
33 Delay Volume Envelope -12000 5000 -12000 Volume Envelope - Delay of envelope from zero (weird scale)
34 Attack Volume Envelope -12000 8000 -12000 Volume Envelope - Attack of envelope
35 Hold Volume Envelope -12000 5000 -12000 Volume Envelope - Hold of envelope
36 Decay Volume Envelope -12000 8000 -12000 Volume Envelope - Decay of envelope
37 Sustain Volume Envelope 0 1440 0 Volume Envelope - Sustain of envelope
38 Release Volume Envelope -7200 8000 -12000 Volume Envelope - Release of envelope (prevents clicks)
39 Key Number to Volume Envelope Hold -1200 1200 0 Volume Envelope - Key number to volume envelope hold
40 Key Number to Volume Envelope Decay -1200 1200 0 Volume Envelope - Key number to volume envelope decay
41 Instrument - - - Zone - Instrument index to use for preset zone
42 Reserved 1 - - - Reserved
43 Key Range - - - Zone - Key range for which preset / instrument zone is active
44 Velocity Range - - - Zone - Velocity range for which preset / instrument zone is active
45 Start Loop Address Coarse Offset -32768 32768 0 Sample control - Moves sample loop start point in 32767 increments
46 Key Number -1 127 -1 Zone - Instrument only: Always use this MIDI number (ignore what's pressed)
47 Velocity -1 127 -1 Zone - Instrument only: Always use this velocity (ignore what's pressed)
48 Initial Attenuation -250 1440 0 Zone - Allows turning down the volume, 250 = -10dB
49 Reserved 2 - - - Reserved
50 End Loop Address Coarse Offset -32768 32768 0 Sample control - Moves sample loop end point in 32767 increments
51 Coarse Tune -120 120 0 Tune - Pitch offset in semitones
52 Fine Tune -99 99 0 Tune - Pitch offset in cents
53 Sample ID - - - Sample - Instrument zone only: Which sample to use
54 Sample Modes 0 3 0 Sample - 0 = no loop, 1 = loop, 2 = reserved, 3 = loop and play till end in release phase
55 Reserved 3 - - - Reserved
56 Scale Tuning 0 1200 100 Sample - The degree to which MIDI key number influences pitch, 100 = default
57 Exclusive Class 0 99999 0 Sample - Cut = choke group
58 Overriding Root Key -1 127 -1 Sample - Can override the sample's original pitch
59 Unused 5 - - - Unused
60 End Marker - - - End marker