Estee is a discrete event simulator for executing task graphs in distributed environments. It is mainly designed for benchmarking and experimenting with schedulers. Estee is created as an open-ended simulator; most of its components can be extended or replaced by a custom implementation. It is possible to experiment with different kinds of schedulers, workers, and network models. Estee comes with battery-included and provides a standard implementation for all its components.
python3 install
The following example creates a simple task graph, instantiates a network model and the simulator and executes the task with one of build-in schedulers.
from estee.common import TaskGraph
from estee.schedulers import BlevelGtScheduler
from estee.simulator import Simulator, Worker, MaxMinFlowNetModel
# Create task graph containing 3 tasks
# (each task runs 1s and requires 1 CPU)
# t0
# | (50MB output)
# / \
# t1 t2
task_graph = TaskGraph()
t0 = task_graph.new_task(duration=1, cpus=1, output_size=50)
t1 = task_graph.new_task(duration=1, cpus=1)
t2 = task_graph.new_task(duration=1, cpus=1)
# Create B-level scheduler
scheduler = BlevelGtScheduler()
# Define cluster with 2 workers (1 CPU each)
workers = [Worker(cpus=1) for _ in range(2)]
# Define MaxMinFlow network model (100MB/s)
netmodel = MaxMinFlowNetModel(bandwidth=100)
# Create a simulator
simulator = Simulator(task_graph, workers, scheduler, netmodel, trace=True)
# Run simulation, returns the makespan in seconds
makespan =
# Print simulation time
print("Task graph execution makespan = {}s".format(makespan))
- Blevel (HLFET)
- Tlevel
- Simple genetic algorithm based scheduler
- Simple work stealing scheduler
- Camp2
- MaxMin flow model (MaxMinFlowNetModel)
- All downloads runs at full speed (SimpleNetModel)
- Instant communication (InstantNetModel)