Become a sponsor to aquaproj
Your sponsorship would be the source of energy and motivation we continuously maintain this project.
We maintain not only aqua itself but also several components such as Standard Registry, aqua-installer, aqua-renovate-config, official web site, and so on. Please see here for the list of repositories.
To maintain them continuously, your sponsorship is needed!
Meet the team
Shunsuke Suzuki suzuki-shunsukeThe author and core maintainer of aqua
Featured work
Declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate. CLI version is switched seamlessly
Go 863 -
aqua's Standard Registry
YAML 100 -
Renovate Configuration to update packages and registries of aqua
Jsonnet 15 -
Install aqua quickly
Shell 19 -
CLI to develop aqua Registry
Go 3 -
GitHub Actions to update aqua-checksums.json. If aqua-checksums.json isn't latest, update aqua-checksums.json and push a commit