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Become a sponsor to Cody Schafer


Cody Schafer

  • I'm Cody Schafer, a software engineer who writes open source stuff in C & Rust
  • Most of the things I build focus on an itch I've had, and sometimes form into an obsession (from "I'd really like a better backup system", to "how are there no libraries to compare content defined hashing with a common interface")
  • Right now I've been writing code in rust to run an NFS server (but not to serve files. I really want to track written regions).
  • I'm also looking carefully at some bare metal projects. I've got a bunch of dev boards I need to use!
  • Sponsorship enables me to spend more of my time on maintaining and creating my open source software, and extending others (Some Linux APIs are pretty neglected, IMO). It also lets me support hardware purchases to support software components (powerpc, anyone?)

2 sponsors have funded codyps’s work.


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