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Terraform GCP Examples for


The module will automatically connect your GCP project to the Spot account via Terraform.

This module is an improved version of the previously available module, but it is not backward compatible. It should only be used to onboard new GCP projects to Spot.

Note - Do not upgrade to this module if you have previously onboarded a GCP project to spot using the 'terraform-spotinst-gcp-connect' module.


  • Spot Organization Admin API token.



#Call the spot module to create a Spot account and link project to the platform
module "spotinst-connect-gcp-project" {
  source               = "spotinst/connect-gcp/spotinst"
  project              = "demo-labs"
  name                 = "demo-acct_123456"
  spotinst_token       = "redacted"
  spot_organization_id = "demo-org-1234567890"
output "spot_account_id" {
    value = module.spotinst-connect-gcp-project.spot_account_id


This terraform module will do the following:

On Apply:

  • Create Spot Account within Spot Organization.
  • Create GCP Service Account.
  • Create GCP Service Account Key.
  • Create GCP Project Role.
  • Assign Project Role to Service Account.
  • Provide GCP Service Account Key to newly created Spot Account.

On Destroy:

  • Remove all above resources including deleting the Spot Account.