Added support for UUID as generated key for PostgreSQL
Added support for UUID for other supported DBs (mapping to String or byte array)
Added support for sql.Time, LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime
Added support for BigInteger
Added support for MSSQL/JTDS money and smallmoney types (mapping to Float or Double)
Added support for ENUM type in the db - mapping to Java enum (PostgreSQL, MySQL, H2)
Added warning when using a primitive type mapped to a column with a default in the database
Added AutoClosable implementation to Session
Updated test mssql jdbc driver to 8.4.1
Updated test H2 jdbc driver to 1.4.200
Removed null waring about sql type 1111 (Other) will just be considered Object
Fixed java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException occurring if you have LocalDateTime and DATE (not time) type in the DB
Fixed missing Derby keyword delimiters
Fixed issue where objects using Persistable interface would have all columns updated in some cases
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