Created by team Hacktastic Cartel.
The "Green Choices" project aims to reduce carbon footprints by promoting eco-friendly products and educating consumers on sustainable living.
Team Nagarro Oryx presented this demo at the conclusion of the Nagarro Hackathon on Augsut 2nd, 2024:
View other team demo's on our YouTube Playlist
- Create a project folder and clone the B2C Demo Shop and the Docker SDK:
mkdir spryker-b2c && cd spryker-b2c
git clone ./
git clone docker
- Set up a desired environment:
1. Bootstrap the docker setup:
docker/sdk boot
2. If the command you've run in the previous step returned instructions, follow them.
3. Build and start the instance:
docker/sdk up
1. Configure this attribute value for the product via the back office.
2. Create Product Labels in the back office and assign them to the product.
3. Set up a free shipping method in the back office and add the shipping plugin we created.
4. After an order is successfully placed and the order state is marked as closed, carbon credit will be automatically added to the customer's account in the profile section.
we need below setup:
#### setup dom pdf
composer require dompdf/dompdf