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Android 🤖
Android :robot:
For browser-specific issues affecting Android
awaiting response 📭
awaiting response 📭
Awaiting response from an issue petitioner or other participant
BlackBerry 🍇
BlackBerry 🍇
For browser-specific issues affecting BlackBerry webdriver
bug 🐞
bug 🐞
Chrome 🌐
Chrome :globe_with_meridians:
For browser-specific issues affecting Chrome.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
documentation 📝
documentation :memo:
documentation-related issues/tasks
duplicate ♻️
duplicate ♻️
enhancement ✨
enhancement ✨
an improvement to an existing feature/asset
Firefox 🦊
Firefox 🦊
For browser-specific issues that affect geckodriver/firefox
good first issue 🐣
good first issue 🐣
help wanted ⛑
help wanted ⛑
in-progress 🛠️
in-progress :hammer_and_wrench:
This issue is actively being worked on (check active branches)
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer
For browser-specific issues affecting Internet Explorer, AKA the bane of the internet
invalid 🚫
invalid 🚫
investigating 🕵️
investigating 🕵️
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge
For browser-specific issues affecting Edge.
needs feedback 🤔
needs feedback :thinking:
Might be a good idea, but needs feedback or sanity check
Opera ⭕
Opera ⭕
For browser-specific issues affecting Opera
PhantomJS 👻
PhantomJS 👻
For browser-specific issues affecting ghostdriver/PhantomJS
question 🙋
question 🙋
Remote 📡
Remote 📡
For browser-specific issues affecting the remote webdriver
For browser-specific issues affecting Safari
security vulnerability
security vulnerability
Security vulnerability detected by WhiteSource
wontfix 🙅
wontfix 🙅