Released: December 18, 2014
[autogenerate] [bug] [sqlite] Adjusted the SQLite backend regarding autogen of unique constraints
to work fully with the current SQLAlchemy 1.0, which now will report
on UNIQUE constraints that have no name. -
[batch] [bug] Fixed bug in batch where if the target table contained multiple
foreign keys to the same target table, the batch mechanics would
fail with a "table already exists" error. Thanks for the help
on this from Lucas Kahlert.References: #254
[bug] [mysql] Fixed an issue where the MySQL routine to skip foreign-key-implicit
indexes would also catch unnamed unique indexes, as they would be
named after the column and look like the FK indexes. Pull request
courtesy Johannes Erdfelt.References: #251
[bug] [mssql] [oracle] Repaired a regression in both the MSSQL and Oracle dialects whereby
the overridden_exec()
method failed to return a value, as is
needed now in the 0.7 series.References: #253