Logit is a application that make easy to analyse logs of all yours projects ! There is a simple web application and a logback appender. There is nothing to change in your code to send logs to the server.
The web app exposes to clients some REST web services to access to logs' projects :
GET /projects/all : List all logged projects.
POST /projects/{name}/logs : Add a log entry.
GET /projects/{name}/logs : List all logs of the specified project.
A Mongodb database is used to store all the logs.
To configure the connection to the database, edit the xml file 'application.conf' :
Comment the username & password if you don't have.
The logback appender sends logs to the web app. It is recommended to have a second appender who save locally the logs. Networks issues can happen !
The logit appender has some dependencies :
- logback 1.0.0
- async-http-client-1.7.0
Here is an example of a logit appender configuration :
<appender name="LOGIT" class="com.zenexity.logit.appender.LogbackAppender">
<pattern>{"date" : "%date", "level" : "%level", "logger" : "%logger", "thread" : "%thread", "message" : "%n%message%n%xException%n"}</pattern>
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="LOGIT"/>