Create the Page Objects of your Web application under pageobjects package, call those Page Objects in PHPUnit tests under tests package (Sample Page Objects, testcase included in this template)
To install the dependencies issue the below commands in project root directory
composer update
PHP and Composer to be installed as prerequisite.
Run Selenium Server with required Webdriver binaries, example with chromedriver as below
java -jar /path/to/selenium server/selenium-server-standalone-x.x.x.jar
To run the tests issue the below command in project root directory
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
By default it runs in Chrome browser, you can specify which browser to use as well
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests firefox
Browsers added in this template are
- chrome
- firefox
- ie
- opera
- edge
- safari
- phantomjs
Feel free to modify it to your own needs :)