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Selenium UI Automation Hybrid Framework with TestNG integration, Extent Reports, Faker Library, Docker Setup for Selenium Grid, Elasticsearch & Kibana for Live Tests Reports, Azure Devops CI/CD Pipeline, Log4J2, Video Recording for Tests and relevant dependencies.

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Selenium UI Automation

Selenium UIAutomation Framework

UI Automation Hybrid Framework with Selenium WebDriver and TestNG integration, Extent Reports, Faker Library, Docker Setup for Selenium Grid, Elasticsearch & Kibana for Live Tests Reports, Azure Devops CI/CD Pipeline and relevant dependencies.

Tech Stack

  1. Java
  2. Selenium WebDriver
  3. TestNG
  4. Selenium Grid
  5. Rest Assured
  6. Elastisearch and Kibana
  7. Docker Containerization
  8. Azure Devops

Included/Features Implemented

Selenium UIAutomation Framework with TestNG

  1. Selenium WebDriver with TestNG Framework to test and validate Web Application
  2. Extent Report 5.x for generating Reports and Logging for TestNG Test Run
  3. Thread safety for WebDriver and Extent Reports
  4. Implementation classes to take Screenshot, read from properties/json, rest-assured methods, string encoding-decoding
  5. Helper classes to create wrappers around diff WebElement methods, Wait, Dropdown etc.
  6. TestNG Custom Annotations and RetryAnalyzer listeners
  7. TestNG XML -> Sample XMLs for to run Tests based on Groups/Parallel
  8. Selenium Grid with chrome and firefox nodes to run the tests in server via docker setup
  9. Elastisearch and Kibana to check live tests outcome in server via docker setup
  10. Dockerfile -> to create the Image of the project, copying relevant JARs and Files and Entrypoint to specify Test Execution
  11. docker-compose files -> to create Selenium Grid setup and Elastisearch and Kibana setup
  12. azure-pipelines.yml -> to build the Maven project, create and push the Docker image to repository
  13. pom.xml -> maven pom.xml specifying all the dependencies and plugins for goals, reports and running the specified testNG xml using surefire plugin
  14. Monte Screen Recording APIs -> to capture video recording for the Test Run
  15. Log4j2 -> Logging for Tests executions

Not Included/Yet to be Done

  1. Excel Read/Write
  2. Email APIs to send Reports
  3. Data Parameterization examples/Parametrized Tests run using Excel
  4. Jenkinsfile -> for creating and pushing Image to Docker repository

Known Caveats/Limitations

  1. mvn test command won't work due to surefire plugin which requires testNG xml suite to be selected, will throw this error Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test failed: testSuiteXmlFiles0 has null value
  2. Screen recording using Monte library won't work in parallel run


Building Docker Image

  1. Maven Command to Prepare Jars before running Dockerfile -> mvn clean package -DskipTests
  2. To Build Docker Image, run command: "docker build -t preferredImageName:latest ." example: docker build -t selenium_uiautomation:latest .

Pushing Docker Images to Docker Repository

Docker Setup For Selenium Hub For Tests Run on Local System

  1. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-localgrid.yaml to start the Selenium Grid Hub with Chrome and Firefox
  2. The runmode in needs to be set as "remote"
  3. The TestNG XML suites and Tests can be run from the IDE as it is(right click and Run)
  4. The Tests can be run from Maven command line by specifying the XML suite and Browser(if Browser is not provided default Chrome is selected) - mvn clean package test -DsuiteXmlFile=${path/testNG XML name} -DBROWSER=${Browser}
  5. To bring down the Docker Setup docker-compose -f docker-compose-localgrid.yaml down
  6. Updating Grid and Node images to latest "docker pull image:tagName", example : docker pull selenium/node-firefox:latest
  7. Scaling up Nodes for parallel execution, docker-compose -f docker-compose-localgrid.yaml up --scale chrome=3

Docker Setup For Elasticsearch and Kibana to track Real Time Tests result

  1. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-eklsetup.yaml to start the ElastiSearch and Kibana Setup
  2. The writetoekl in needs to be set as "yes"
  3. Once the docker setup runs, it requires approx 5 mins before the Kibana setup is ready, the Tests should be run post Kibana webapp is ready, the app can be accessed at "http://localhost:5601/" (the port is defined in docker-compose file)
  4. The dashboard needs to be configured, to view the different statistics
    • Create Sample Collection and Document using POSTMAN app/Curl commands, in Postman do a POST request for "http://localhost:9200/regression/_doc" with JSON body having keys "testname" and "status" with dummy values( reference can be checked in class)
    • Go to Management > Stack Management
    • Go to Kibana > Data Views > Create Data View for regression collection
    • Go to Analytics > Dashboard > Create Dashboard for the above created Data View
  5. To bring down the Docker Setup docker-compose -f docker-compose-eklsetup.yaml down

Sample EKS Dashboard

EKS Dashboard

Monte Screen Recorder Library for recording Test Run Videos

  1. Set the screenrecording value to yes in properties file to record the video for tests(method added only for failed Tests)

Log4J Logging

  1. Set the log4jloggingrequired value to yes in properties file to write logs to file(per Test one respective file) and to display in the console

Please check the file under test/resources for further info on various keys set in the framework

Common Troubleshoot

Maven Tests

  1. mvn test - will throw error since the surefire plugin in POM expect TestNG XML file to be specified

Docker Setup

  1. The Docker default Port Mapping is set to 4444,if localHost has already Application mapped with 4444 port; this needs to be changed in Docker compose and the same needs to be updated in Huburl in
  2. Check changes to Selenium Grid image from GitHub for changes to Env variables and other settings

Elastisearch and Kibana Setup

  1. The webapp is not loading -> It takes almost 5 mins for the Kibana app to load, check the logs after running docker-compose if elastisearch is exiting at code 137, if Yes the Docker app needs to be updated with more resources from the local system
  2. The Create Data View is not listing any Collection/Document -> Sample Collection and Document needs to be created using POSTMAN/Curl commands

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to Instructors who have done a splendid job on explaining and designing the framework


Selenium UI Automation Hybrid Framework with TestNG integration, Extent Reports, Faker Library, Docker Setup for Selenium Grid, Elasticsearch & Kibana for Live Tests Reports, Azure Devops CI/CD Pipeline, Log4J2, Video Recording for Tests and relevant dependencies.







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