type Config struct {
Registry string // a redis url, default is redis://:@
App string // register to a app service
Calls map[string]string // defines which apps will call
Calls value will detection value type to config
1 or 2 for http version
s for https
number + time unit (for example: 10s、300ms) for timeout
other for Access-Token header
type callInfoType struct {
Timeout time.Duration
HttpVersion int
Token string
SSL bool
for _, v := range u.SplitTrim(callConf, ":") {
if v == "1" || v == "2" {
callInfo.HttpVersion = u.Int(v)
} else if v == "s" {
callInfo.SSL = true
} else if numberMatcher.MatchString(v) {
callInfo.Timeout = u.Duration(v)
} else {
callInfo.Token = v