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Car maintenance logger

Written in VS2019 Community with ASP.Net, partially based on the ContosoUniversity sample. This took about 10 days.

This is a simple web app for keeping track of data on Cars to track the Fuel, Fuel Additives, Oil, Oil Additives and Air Filters. It uses Scaffolded pages and Entity-Framework 6. Entry fields use EF for validation. A seed method is provided to fill in sample data. The UI is kept very simple. With the intention of being the website data entry to an Azuare database. The goal with this project is the backend, using EF6 against a dev local storage that could be pointed to a cloud database. Were a Xamarin Forms app can also be used as data entry from a mobile device.

To Do Features:
Reports on cost per mile, etc.
Vision recognition of odometer and gas pump to easy data entry