- Title: Helm Masterclass: 50 Practical Demos for Kubernetes DevOps
- Subtitle: Create, Develop, Install, Upgrade, Rollback, Package, and Publish Helm Charts with step-by-step practical demos.
- Install Docker Desktop and HelmCLI
- Helm Install
- Helm Upgrade with set option
- Helm Upgrade with Chart Versions
- Helm Uninstall Keep History
- Helm Install Generated Name
- Helm Install Atomic
- Helm with Namespaces
- Helm Override Values
- Helm Chart Structure
- Helm Dev BuiltIn Objects
- Helm Dev Basics
- Helm Dev If Else EQ
- Helm Dev If Else AND BOOLEAN
- Helm Dev If Else OR
- Helm Dev If Else NOT
- Helm Dev WITH
- Helm Dev WITH If Else
- Helm Dev Variables
- Helm Dev Range List
- Helm Dev Range Dict
- Helm Dev Named Templates
- Helm Dev Printf Function
- Helm Dev call template in template
- Helm Create and Package Chart
- Helm Dependency
- Helm Dependency Alias
- Helm Dependency Condition
- Helm Dependency Condition Alias
- Helm Dependency Tags
- Helm Dependency Override Subchart Values
- Helm SubChart Global Values
- Helm Dependency Import Values Explicit
- Helm Dependency Import Values Implicit
- Helm Starters
- Helm Plugins
- Helm Plugins Build
- Helm Hooks
- Helm Hooks Delete Policy
- Helm Hook Weights
- Helm Tests
- Helm Resource Policy
- Helm Sign and Verify Charts
- Helm Repo on GitHub
- Integrate with ArtifactHub
- Helm Values Validate with JSON Schema
- You will master all 24 Helm commands, along with their respective subcommands and flags, through multiple practical demonstrations.
- You will learn how to develop Helm Charts through 13 Helm development demos.
- You will learn flow control actions such as If-else, With, and Range, in combination with functions like EQ, AND, BOOLEAN, OR, NOT, DEFAULT, and QUOTE.
- You will learn to create, package, install, upgrade, rollback, and uninstall Helm Charts.
- You will learn to implement Helm Dependency through 9 demos, which cover Alias, Condition, Tags, Global Values, and Import values.
- You will learn Helm concepts such as starters, plugins, hooks, tests, resource policy, and Values JSON Schema through practical demos
- You will learn to implement Helm Chart signing and verification.
- You will learn how to create a Helm Repository on GitHub and integrate it with Artifact Hub.
- You must have Kubernetes knowledge and experience to follow with me for hands-on activities.
- This course is designed for students who have completed my AWS EKS, Azure AKS, or Google GKE Kubernetes courses.
- Infrastructure Architects or Sysadmins or Developers or DevOps Engineers who are planning to master Helm.
- helm-masterclass
- helm-charts
- helm-charts-repo
- Course Presentation
- Important Note: Please go to these repositories and FORK these repositories and make use of them during the course.
- Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
- Practical demos for each and every concept
- Friendly Support in the Q&A section
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