- Name: canelevation
- Package:
- stactools-canelevation on PyPI
- Owner: @jbants
- Dataset homepage
- STAC extensions used:
- Browse the example in human-readable form
A stactools package for working with Cloud Optimized Point Clouds (copc) data from the CanElevation data series from NRCan.
pip install stactools-canelevation
Base use is below:
stac canelevation create-collection -d <destination>
stac canelevation create-item <source> <destination>
stac canelevation create-item https://ftp-maps-canada-ca.s3.amazonaws.com/pub/elevation/pointclouds_nuagespoints/NRCAN/Fort_McMurray_2018/AB_FortMcMurray2018_20180518_NAD83CSRS_UTMZ12_1km_E4760_N62940_CQL1_CLASS.copc.laz examples/
PDAL can read just the header of a COPC file using the quicklook
The -q
or --quick
flags allow PDAL to quickly gather some metadata without opening the file.
This does not fill the schemas
property of the pointcloud stac extension.
Use stac canelevation --help
to see all subcommands and options.
We use pre-commit to check any changes. To set up your development environment:
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
To check all files:
pre-commit run --all-files
To run the tests:
pytest -vv