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Project Ideas List

macfeosfiamy edited this page Aug 14, 2021 · 4 revisions

Project idea list:

  • Desktop based staking UI that can run all four genesis clients AND switch between them easily
  • Public GitHub of bug disclosures/past incidents in all clients
  • A simple tool to help anyone configure and start using key-based authentication for SSH
  • Tool to automate Prometheus alerting setup
  • Bot to congratulate people for testing – bot would check to see if people deposited on testnet and have active validator
  • Fork of launchpad website to allow faster/easier import of keys (maybe link to last page from keygen tool)
  • Tool to help people secure their mnemonic or secret phrase (maybe with secret sharing, encryption, good practices for storing, etc.)
  • Tool to automate pruning - detect when low on disk space and start pruning process (or notify that you are low)
  • Alerts on client updates (and maybe even automated client updates)
  • More effort into video/written guides for body of knowledge about important topics for staking (regenerating keystore, etc.)... would be reassuring to users
  • Discussion/planning about how to implement withdrawals… will this be on keygen UI, staking UI, etc.
  • Open source shared design system / component library for any open source ethereum projects that require a front end
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