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All Scenes

S. Tarık Çetin edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

Shows all scenes in your Assets folder and its subfolders. Provides buttons to play it alone or additively as well as setting it as the quick play scene.

Note: It is best to keep All Scenes list hidden when you don't need it to avoid performance issues. Because the scene search only runs if the All Scenes list is currently open.


Scene Name

Shows the scene name or path.

Play button

Closes all existing scenes, loads this scene, then starts the play mode. Asks for saving scenes beforehand.

Play Additive button (PAd in narrow layout)

Loads this scene as additive, then starts the play mode. Asks for saving scenes beforehand.

Set As Quick (Set in narrow layout)

Sets this scene as the Quick Play scene.