Bridge between UART and USB CDC serial port for MSP430F55xx
Build configurations using msp430-gcc
Install python-msp430-tools to load program using BSL.
Place board into BSL mode before programming
- Unplug board from external power and USB
- Hold down BSL button
- Plug in USB cable connected to host computer
- Wait approximately 1 second and release BSL button
The User button (under the battery JST connector) is the BSL button
MSP430_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=<msp430-gcc dir> make
MSP430_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=<msp430-gcc dir> PYTHON2=<python2 interpreter> make program
MSP430_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=<msp430-gcc dir> make launchpad
MSP430_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=<msp430-gcc dir> PYTHON2=<python2 interpreter> make program_launchpad
- FF5529LP: MSP-EXP430F5529LP launchpad, using UART1 (Tx/Rx pins to debug MCU)
- FF529LP_UART0: MSP-EXP430F5529LP launchpad, using UART0 (P3.3 and P3.4)
- Debug: MSP430F5503 target using UART1
- Release: MSP430F5503 target using UART1