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FIPS Farmer Research

Build Notes

  • Ensure custom development datatables correctly implemented
  • Ensure dev code commented out and prod code uncommented (e.g. ionViewCanEnter and data models)
  • Update version codes in config.xml and welcome.html

Development Notes

Custom Icons

Custom icons are currently implemented with naming convention
ai-custom-[name] To include more icons use iconmoon to convert svg to font files (svgs can be found at or and update /assets/fonts and /theme/custom-icons.scss

Data tables

Data tables are currently provided by a 3rd party plugin ( Import as specified doesn't seem to work so instead need to

  1. Ensure import is from /dist and not /src (otherwise no map file... could possibly build?)
  2. Annoyingly there is an error from module ids not coming through (type string). To fix need to remove all versions of from src, and rebuild (run yarn command should install dependencies and build, otherwise npm install npm run build)


A few different ways to deliver surveys have been experimented with, ranging from entirely individualised pages (e.g. see pages/surveys/...), to more general schemas for questions (see models/surveyForms/...). Due to current nature of project and time constraints it is assumed that bespoke makes the most sense, general schemas likely to be overkill and not as good as finding full integration with likes of odk xmlforms. Using reactive forms with formbuild, see more info here:

word wrap Note, if adding ion-item questions include word-wrap attribute so full text label displays

Database Structures

Data is stored in nested collections and documents. As a general rule, items of information that might be simultaneously updated by different users (e.g. surveys associated with a farmer) are stored in their own subcollections to avoid conflicts, whilst that unlikely such as lists of suveys associated with a particular experiment are properties on the survey doc. Current entrypoints are as follows

  • Surveys
    contains master list of all surveys

  • Farmers
    contains individual farmer docs with subcollection of 'experiments' and 'surveys' containing links to experiment and survey keys with date enrolled.

  • Experiments
    contains master list of experiments with subcollection of 'farmers' containing link to farmer key and date enrolled

Graphs and charts

A few different graph and charting packages have been experimented with. Decision came down to plotly, charts.js and highcharts. Whilst plotly is the only that also links to R and our wider ecosytem, it doesn't seem to have good integrations with angular. This could be tested in the future. Charts.js integrated well but it was evident they only have a limited number of charts, so instead opting for highcharts. Note, this could be changed in the future and also multiple packages used together if desired.
Good article here: