Script(s) to create old style demotivation poster images, as introduced by Despair. Their derivatives are used by a number of sites like
Basically, just a wrapper around ImageMagick' convert utility. Prerequisites:
- perl 5.8+
- ImageMagick 6.3+
Output file size is hardcoded at the moment (750x600, or 600x750 pixels).
Command like below
./ -o ./demotivator-knowledge.png \
-h "Knowledge is Power" -t "But information isn't" \
-fd /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts -i Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg.png
produces image like this
Script is self-documenting. Run it without parameters to see the instructions:
Parameters description:
-? or -H
Prints this help text.
-i inputfilename
Mandatory. Specify image file. Unless file proportions aren't 4:3 (or 3:4, depending on orientation), it will be cropped to meet this ratio.
-o outputfilename
Optional. Output file name. If omitted, 'motivator-' will be appended to input file name to produce output file name.
-io imageorientation
Optional. Desired image orientation, 'landscape' (750x600) or 'portrait' (600x750). Default: 'landscape'.
-h text
Optional. Header text. Default: none.
-t text
Optional. Term text. Default: none.
-fd fontdir
Optional. Directory the font files are located in. Default: '/usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts'.
-wd workdir
Optional. Directory used to store temporary files. Default: '/tmp'.
-hf fontfilename
Optional. Font file name used to write header. Default: times.ttf.
-tf fontfilename
Optional. Font file name used to write term. Default: arial.ttf.
-hfs fontsize
Optional. Font size the header is written with. Default: 48.
-tfs fontsize
Optional. Font size the term is written with. Default: 18.
-v verboselevel
Optional. If 0, only fatal errors are displayed. If 1, the script is more talkative about what it's doing.
Default: 0.