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PVML User Manual


This document contains installation instructions, and a brief user manual for the Processor Verification Management Layer (PVML).

PVML is an implementation of a Management Layer as used within the ESA Ground Segment for executing data processors. It supports the interface as defined by the Generic IPF Interface Guidelines (MMFI-GSEG-EOPG-TN-07-0003) as well as the more recent Earth Explorer specific Generic Processor ICD (ESA-EOPG-EEGS-ID-0083). Using the tasktable files from a processor, a global PVML configuration file, and a PVML job configuration file, PVML is able to create a joborder file and run the task(s) of a processor.

Additionally, PVML will verify the inputs and outputs to check for compliance with the applicable ICD. The aim is to ensure that a processor will operate correctly within an ESA ground segment.

Installation Instructions

PVML is implemented as a python package that can be retrieved from

To install pvml, download the .tar.gz package and use:

$ tar zxf pvml-4.1.2.tar.gz
$ cd pvml-4.1.2
$ pip install .

This will install the pvml python package, which includes the pvml command line tool.

Running PVML

To run PVML you will have to provide it a reference to the PVML global configuration file and a reference to the PVML job configuration file (both are explained below). The global configuration file can be provided as command line parameter or as environment setting, but the job configuration file always has to be provided as command line parameter. There are no specific restrictions on where you place the global and job configuration files on your file system.

For example, if your global PVML configuration file is:


and your job configuration file is:


then you can either use:

$ pvml /home/pvml/dummy/pvml-config.xml /home/pvml/dummy/pvml-job-12345.xml

or, using the PVML_CONFIG setting

$ export PVML_CONFIG=/home/pvml/dummy/pvml-config.xml
$ pvml /home/pvml/dummy/pvml-job-12345.xml

All options necessary for PVML to run the processor and verify its inputs and outputs, such as location of tasktable files, location of workspace directory, location of XML Schema files, etc. are in these two configuration files.

Note that you can get an overview of the command line parameters of PVML by providing the -h or --help option to the pvml script.

The execution flow of PVML is as follows:

  • read the global PVML configuration file and verify its contents
  • read the PVML job configuration file and verify its contents
  • locate tasktable files and verify their contents
  • find appropriate tasktable file for PVML job
  • inside the workspace directory (as indicated by the global PVML config file) create a working directory with name equal to the job id
  • copy all required input files (as indicated in the PVML job config file) to the working directory
  • create a joborder file inside the working directory
  • change the current directory to the working directory
  • execute each task of the processor with a full path to the joborder file as single argument. Output of the processor is directed both to the console and a LOG.<order_id> file. Verify exit code of each task. If the exit code does not correspond with the expected exit code, PVML will produce an error and terminate
  • after all tasks have been executed search for output products and verify whether there are entries for each expected output

Log messages from PVML itself will be written to the console and to a pvml.log file inside the working directory.

The global PVML config file

The global PVML configuration file contains options that are common for a single processor or for a set of processors (e.g. all processors related to a single mission or to a single instrument for a mission).

The global configuration file is an XML file with main element pvmlConfig. Inside this element there should be the following sub elements:

name : mandatory
The name of the configuration (usually the name of the mission, instrument, or processor).
taskTablePath : mandatory
A : separated search path for tasktable files. Individual path items may be references to directories (in which case all items in the directory should be task table files), references to individual tasktable files, or globbing-style pattern matches (e.g. /dir/TaskTable*.xml).
workspaceDirectory : mandatory
The directory where PVML can create subdirectories for each job (each subdirectory will have the order id as directory name). Make sure that the pvml script has write access to this directory. The workspace directory should preferably be on a local file system (for performance reasons) with sufficient free disk space.
taskTableSchema : optional
Full path to an xml schema file for the tasktable files. If this option is provided, PVML will perform a schema check on all tasktable files in the tasktable path. The tasktable schema should be as restrictive as possible to reflect the tailoring of the Management Layer interface for this specific configuration. This option should generally always be provided.
jobOrderSchema : optional
Full path to a schema file for the joborder files. If this option is provided, PVML will perform a schema check on all joborder files that it creates itself. This option is normally not necessary but can be useful to verify the behavior of PVML. Just as the tasktable schema file, the joborder schema file should be as restrictive as possible to reflect the tailoring of the Management Layer interface for this specific configuration.
jobOrderSchemaName : optional, EEGS backend only
Value to use for the schemaName attribute in the generated joborder file. If not set, the value JobOrder will be used.
jobOrderSchemaVersion : optional, EEGS backend only
Value to use for the schemaVersion attribute in the generated joborder file. If not set, the value 1.0 will be used.
interfaceBackend : optional
The type of Management Layer interface to use. This can be MMFI (the default) for the Generic IPF Interface Guidelines interface or EEGS for the more recent Earth Explorer Generic Processor ICD interface.
archiveBackend : optional
The backend used to find and retrieve input products and store output products. This should be a reference to a python module that can be imported and that implements the PVML Archive Backend Interface. PVML itself comes with a simple local filesystem backend that is available as pvml.local. This is the default backend if this option is not set.
archiveOptions : optional
This is a free-form xml block whose content is further specific by the chosen archive backend. The options for the PVML local archive backend are specified further down in this document.
taskWrapper : optional
Name or full path to an executable that will be called for each task in the job order. If a name is provided, the full path will be determined based on the PATH environment variable. Instead of executing the task itself, PVML will call the wrapper executable for each task. The wrapper executable should take two arguments. The first argument is the full path to the task executable as defined in the tasktable file and the second argument is the name of the joborder file. The wrapper executable will be called with the current directory set to the working directory (similar to how the original task would have been called). The wrapper task is responsible for producing log messages to stdout/stderr and producing a proper exit code as if it was the original task executable.
acquisitionStation : optional, MFFI backend only
This value will be used to populate the corresponding entry in the joborder file. Its presence in the global PVML config file determines whether the Acquisition_Station field will be included in the joborder file.
processingStation : mandatory
This value will be used to populate the corresponding entry in the joborder file.
fileClass : optional, EEGS backend only
Name of the file class that will be stored in the joborder file as File_Class. If not specified, an empty string will be used.
splitLoggingLevel : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If split (the default) then separate entries for Stdout_Log_Level and Stderr_Log_Level will be generated in the joborder file, otherwise a single Logging_Level entry will be used. Currently PVML is limited to having the same value for Stdout_Log_Level and Stderr_Log_Level (they will both have the value of loggingLevel as included in the PVML job config file).
globalBreakpointEnable : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled (the default) a single Breakpoint_Enable element will be included in the joborder file, otherwise each BreakPoint section in the joborder file will get an Enable element.
sensingTimeFlag : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
Whether the joborder file is allowed to have a Sensing_Time element. By default the flag is set to false.
alternateBreakpointElementName : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
By default the BreakPoint element inside Ipf_Proc should be named BreakPoint. But by enabling this option the element will be named Breakpoint (with small p).
alternateDynamicProcessingParameterName : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
By default, in case the task table contains the element named List_of_Dyn_ProcParam, the Job Order contains the element Dynamic_Processing_Parameters with sub elements Processing_Parameter. However, if this option is enabled the Job Order will use the element name List_of_Dynamic_Processing_Parameters (with count attribute) and with sub elements named Dynamic_Processing_Parameter.
alwaysIncludeInputTimeInterval : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
By default the joborder file only contains Time_Interval elements if a validity start/stop is known for an input. When this option is enabled a Time_Interval element will always be created (using min/max dates for datetime values that have not been set).
clipInputTimeIntervalToSensingInterval : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled, the Time_Interval elements contained in the joborder file will be clipped to the overall sensing interval. If a Time_Interval overlaps the overall sensing interval, it will be shortened to the overlap. Otherwise, it won't be changed. By default, this option is disabled.
useTroubleshooting : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled PVML will include a Troubleshooting element in the joborder file (its value is currently not configurable and will always be set to false). By default this option is set to false.
jobOrderTimeFormat : optional, MFFI backend only
This describes the format to be used for time values in the joborder file. Only three values are allowed: YYYYMMDD_hhmmssuuuuuu (the default), YYYYMMDD_hhmmssuuu and YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.uuu
minTimeValue : optional, MFFI backend only
This sets the value that is used for parsing and writing of time values that are to indicate 'infinite in the past'. The value should be provided in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.uuu format. The uuu part will be extended to uuuuuu by means of replication. Example: 0000-00-00T00:00:00.000. By default no special handling of a minimum time value is performed.
maxTimeValue : optional, MFFI backend only
This sets the value that is used for parsing and writing of time values that are to indicate 'infinite in the future'. The value should be provided in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.uuu format. The uuu part will be extended to uuuuuu by means of replication. Example: 9999-99-99T99:99:99.999. By default no special handling of a maximum time value is performed.
numericalOrderId : optional, MFFI backend only
if set to true (the default) then the Job Order Id needs to be a numerical value. If set to false, the Job Order Id can be any string value.
ignoreListFile : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled, ignore the presence of a .LIST file and scan the working directory for output products directly. This is useful for cases where the .LIST file is not compliant with the specifications. This option overrides the listFileMandatory option. By default, .LIST files are not ignored.
listFileMandatory : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled, the processor is expected to produce a .LIST file and it is an error if this file cannot be found. If disabled (the default), then the presence of a .LIST file is optional and the working directory will be scanned for output products in case a .LIST file cannot be found.
listFilenameUsesOrderId : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled (the default), then the .LIST file as produced by the processor will have to be named <order_id>.LIST (with <order_id> being the order id as included in the joborder filename). If disabled, then the processor can use any name for the .LIST file as long as it has the .LIST extension and as long as there is only one such file in the working directory.
listFileContainsStem : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If enabled, the .LIST file is expected to contain a stem of filenames of generated products (e.g. just the product name; the filename without extension). In such cases any file or directory that starts with this stem prefix is considered to be part of the generated product. If disabled (the default), the .LIST file is expected to contain full filenames.
useRegexOutputPattern : optional, true/false/0/1, EEGS backend only
Whether the File_Name_Pattern for outputs in the tasktables should be interpreted as regular expressions. By default the patterns will be interpreted as globbing patterns.
configSpaces/configSpace : optional, multiple, MFFI backend only

Provide a default value (i.e. path to a configuration file) for specific config spaces. The name attribute should contain the name of the config space. Example:

  <configSpace name="Geophysical_Constants">/path/to/Geophysical_Constants.xml</configSpace>
productTypes/productType : optional, multiple

When using the MMFI backend, then for each product type that is included in a tasktable where Destination=DB, there should be an entry in the PVML global config file with a regular expression to be able to derive a product type for each entry in a .LIST file. The name attribute and matchExpression child element are mandatory. Example:

  <productType name="MY_TYPE">

You can also add productType entries for inputs in order to pass options on how PVML should treat these inputs:

startTimeExpression : optional

A regular expression that can be used to extract the start time from the product name. This attribute is applicable if the archiveBackend is set to pmvl.local. The mandatory attribute 'format' describes the format of the extracted time. Supported formats are: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.uuuuuu, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, YYYYMMDDThhmmss, YYYYMMDD_hhmmssuuuuuu, YYYYMMDD_hhmmssuuu, YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.uuu, YYYYMMDD_hhmmss. Example:

<startTimeExpression format="YYYYMMDDThhmmss">
stopTimeExpression : optional
Similar to startTimeExpression (see description above).
stemExpression : optional, MFFI backend only
A regular expression used to group a list of files that match the matchExpression associated with this product type into products. For example, when no .LIST file is produced by a processor, subsequent scanning of the working directory may produce a list of multiple .HDR / .DBL pairs. A 'stemExpression' such as [^.]* could then be used to group this list into products (each .HDR / .DBL pair constitutes a product).
stemAsPhysicalDBL : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If set to true, then for products that are composed of a .HDR and .DBL file PVML will include a full path to the .DBL file in case the tasktable uses Physical for File_Name_Type. The filename reference in the PVML job config file still needs to be provided as Stem for inputs of this product type (i.e. the product name without .HDR or .DBL extension).
hasMetadataFile : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If set to true, the processor is expected to produce a metadata file for products of this product type. The filename of the metadata file consists of the product name followed by the extension .MTD. It is an error if no file with this filename can be found in the working directory.
hasMultiProductOutput : optional, true/false/0/1, MFFI backend only
If set to true, it is allowed for the processor to produce multiple products of this product type. If set to false (the default) PVML will produce a warning if the processor generates more than one product of this type.
baseline : optional, true/false/0/1, EEGS backend only
This is the baseline value that will be stored in the joborder file. If this value is not provided for a product type it will use a default value of "01".

The PVML job config file

The PVML job configuration file contains options that are specific for a single run of a processor. When verifying a processor, each PVML job can be considered a test case; this is a specific run of the processor with a predefined set of inputs.

The job configuration file is an XML file with main element pvmlJob. Inside this element there should be the following items (in order):

jobOrderId : mandatory
The order id of the job. This id will be used as name for the subdirectory in the workspace directory and will be included in the name of the joborder file that gets provided to the processor.
processorName : optional
This is the name of the processor. It is used, together with processorVersion, to find the appropriate tasktable file for the job. Either processorName+processorVersion or taskTableUrl needs to be present in the job config file.
processorVersion : optional
This is the version of the processor. It is used, together with the processorName, to find the appropriate tasktable file for the job. Either processorName+processorVersion or taskTableUrl needs to be present in the job config file.
taskTableUrl : optional
Url (e.g. http:// or file://) pointing to a single tasktable file. If this is provided then processorName/processorVersion can be omitted, but, if present, will be used to verify against the name+version in the tasktable file.
mode : optional, MFFI backend only
Run the processor using the specified mode. This determines which inputs are chosen from the tasktable. Only inputs that have Mode set to the specified value will be included or inputs that have Mode=ALWAYS. If no mode parameter is provided, then only inputs with Mode=ALWAYS will be included.
fileClass : optional, EEGS backend only
Name of the file class that will be stored in the joborder file. It will override the same option from the global PVML config file.
workingDirectory : optional
Instead of using a subdirectory with the name of the jobOrderId in the PVML workspace directory, use this specific directory as working directory for the job. If the value is a relative path it will be used relative to the workspace directory as specified in the PVML config file. Note that if the directory already exists, PVML will first remove all contents in the directory before starting the job.
processingNode : optional, EEGS backend only
Name of the processing node that will be stored in the joborder file as Processing_Node. This name will then be used in the log messages generated by the processor. If not specified, the hostname of the system will be used.
loggingLevel : optional
This defines the logging level as included in the joborder file. Values can be DEBUG, INFO, PROGRESS, WARNING, or ERROR. The default value is INFO.
enableBreakpoints : optional, true/false/0/1
Whether to enable breakpoints / troubleshooting in the generated joborder file. The default is false.
test : optional, true/false/0/1
If enabled, the Test field in the joborder file will be set to true (the default is false).
acquisitionStation : optional, MFFI backend only
This value will be used to populate the corresponding entry in the joborder file. It will override the same option from the global PVML config file.
processingStation : optional
This value will be used to populate the corresponding entry in the joborder file. It will override the same option from the global PVML config file.
orderType : optional
Only appropriate for processors where an Order_Type is requested to be present in the joborder file. With this option you provide the value that should be included in the joborder file.
sensingStart : optional
Overall sensing start time. This value will be included in the joborder Sensing_Time section. The format should be ISO8601 without time zone indicator. If this parameter is not provided and the first input in the job config file has an associated start time, then that start time will be used for the overall sensing start time.
sensingStop : optional
Overall sensing stop time. This value will be included in the joborder Sensing_Time section. The format should be ISO8601 without time zone indicator. If this parameter is not provided and the first input in the job config file has an associated stop time, then that stop time will be used for the overall sensing stop time.
processingParameters/parameter : optional, multiple

Assign a value to each processing parameters. Whether a processing parameter is mandatory or optional depends on the contents of the tasktable file. Example:

  <parameter name="File_Counter">0123</parameter>
configSpaces/configSpace : optional, multiple, MFFI backend only

Provide the configuration file path for each config space that is referenced in tasktable file. This element is mandatory in case no default value for the config space was defined in the global PVML config file. The name attribute should contain the name of the config space. Example:

  <configSpace name="Geophysical_Constants">/path/to/Geophysical_Constants.xml</configSpace>
inputs/input : optional, multiple

Only inputs for which Origin=DB in the tasktable file should be described. Whether an input reference is optional or mandatory depends on whether the input is defined as mandatory in the tasktable file.

product : mandatory, multiple

An input of a specific product type can consist of one or more products. For each product a reference to the products should be provided. The format of the reference depends on the chosen archive backend. For pvml.local this should be a full path to the product. PVML will copy the file to the working directory before executing the processor. When a file needs to have an accompanying entry in the List_of_Time_Intervals section (each file will have its own time interval), then you should provide start and stop attributes containing ISO8601 time references (without time zone indicator) to provide the start/stop times. Example:

  <input product_type="MY_TYPE">
    <file start="2010-01-01T00:00:00" stop="2011-01-01T00:00:00">/data/MY_TYPE_2010_2011.dat</file>

The start and stop attributes are optional. If the attributes are not set and the PVML global config file contains start/stop time expressions for this product type, then these expressions will be used to determine the start/stop time values. Otherwise, no start/stop time will be associated to the input file.

exitCodes : optional, multiple
A space-separated list of expected exit codes for a task. If not provided PVML will expect the task to exit with exit code 0. The task attribute should contain the name of the task.
archiveOptions : optional
This is a free-form xml block whose content is further specific by the chosen archive backend. The options for the PVML local archive backend are specified further down in this document.

Local Archive Backend options

These are the backend options when the archive backend is set to pvml.local.

useSymlinks : optional, true/false/0/1
If enabled, PVML will create symbolic links to the input files in the working directory instead of physically copying them. Using symbolic links is disabled by default.