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All of the functional configuration for a bot profile is stored in a file called Config.ini.

Settings Explained


General purpose settings.

Key Type Default Description
ConfigVersion Long 6 Config format version. Only 5 and 6 are supported. Version 5 will be upgraded to 6 automatically.
DisableNews Bool False If TRUE, disables the fetching and display of news and updates from


Defines network client behavior.

Key Type Default Description
Username String Name of the account to login with. Names longer than 15 characters can be truncated by the server. Only certain characters are allowed.
Password String Password for the account being logged into. Due to Blizzard's implementation this is not case-sensitive.
(this behavior can be overriden with Emulation\LowerCasePassword)
CdKey String The 13, 16, or 26 digit product key associated with your selected game's base product.
ExpKey String The 13, 16, or 26 digit product key associated with your selected game's expansion product.
Spawn Bool False If TRUE, the bot will attempt to authenticate as a "spawn" client. (STAR, JSTR, and W2BN only)
Game String STAR The 4-digit product code associated with the game to be emulated. Supported products:
  • STAR: StarCraft
  • SEXP: StarCraft Broodwar
  • W2BN: WarCraft 2: Edition
  • D2DV: Diablo 2
  • D2XP: Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
  • WAR3: WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos
  • W3XP: WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne
  • DSHR: Diablo Shareware
  • DRTL: Diablo Retail
  • SSHR: StarCraft Shareware
  • JSTR: Japanese StarCraft
Server String The hostname or IP of the server to connect to.
HomeChannel String Name of the channel to automatically join once the bot enters chat.
AutoConnect Bool False Automatically connects the bot when it's opened.
UseRealm Bool False Attempts to join a Diablo 2 realm (D2DV/D2XP only)
UseBNLS Bool True Uses a special server to assist the bot in connecting. If this is disabled then you will need the hash files for the game you are attempting to connect with placed in their appropriate location in your bot folder.
BNLSServer String The hostname or IP of the BNLS server to connect to.
UseBNLSFinder Bool True Finds an available BNLS server from a pool of recommended servers.
BNLSFinderSource String Overrides the location where BNLS servers are found.
UseProxy Bool False If TRUE, attempts to connect to through a configured SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy.
(see Client\ProxyIP, Client\ProxyPort, and Client\ProxyType)
ProxyIP String The IP address of the proxy to connect through.
ProxyPort Long 1080 The port number on the proxy IP to connect to. 1-65535
ProxyType String SOCKS4 Controls the type of proxy used. Can be 'SOCKS4' or 'SOCKS5'.
ProxyServerResolve Bool False If TRUE, resolves the server IP on the proxy rather than the local system.
ProxyUsername String Username used for authenticating to the proxy (SOCKS5 only)
ProxyPassword String Password for authenticated to the proxy (SOCKS5 only)
ProxyBNLS Bool False Uses the configured proxy for the connection to BNLS.
ProxyMCP Bool True Uses the configured proxy for the connection to the Diablo 2 realm.
AccountMode String LOGON Controls account actions taken during login.
  • LOGON: Login to the account (default)
  • CREATE: Create an account without first attempting to login.
  • CHANGEPASS: Changes the account password to the value in Client\NewPassword
  • RESETPASS: Requests your password to be reset. Prompts you to enter an email address unless Emulation\RegisterEmailDefault is set.
  • CHANGEEMAIL: Requests your email address to be changed. Prompts you to enter an email unless Emulation\RegisterEmailDefault and Emulation\RegisterEmailChange are set.
ManageOnAccountError Bool True If TRUE, opens the account manager when an error occurs while logging in.
NewPassword String The new password to set when Client\AccountMode is "CHANGEPASS".


General bot and automation features.

Key Type Default Description
UseBackupChannel Bool False If TRUE, automatically joins a backup channel when kicked.
BackupChannel String The channel to join when kicked if Features\UseBackupChannel is TRUE.
ReconnectType Long 2 Controls behavior when the bot is disconnected from
  • 0: do not reconnect
  • 1: reconnect on a fixed timer
  • 2: reconnect on a timer with an increasing delay for each attempt
ReconnectDelay Long 300 The base number of seconds between reconnect attempts (type 1 and 2)
ReconnectDelayMax Long 3600 The maximum number of seconds between reconnect attempts (type 2 only)
BotMail Bool True If TRUE, allows users to leave messages for each other that will be sent when they next join the channel or check their mail.
ProfileAmp Bool False If TRUE, regularly updates the bot's profile with the currently playing track from a configured media player.
VoidView Bool False If TRUE, sends periodic /unignore commands when in a channel with SILENT flags to attempt to detect other users. May not always work.
GreetMessage Bool False Sends a message to users when they join the channel. See Features\GreetMessageText.
GreetMessageText String The message to send users who join the channel when Features\GreetMessage is enabled. Supports some variables:
  • %user: the user's name
  • %ping: the user's ping
  • %mail: number of unread bot mail messages the user has (Features\BotMail must be enabled)
  • %r: the user's rank in the user database
  • %f: the user's flags in the user database
  • %chan: name of the current channel
  • %me: bot's username
  • %ver: bot's version
  • %botup: the bot's current uptime
  • $cpuup: the bot's system uptime
  • %mp3: the name of the song currently being played by the bot's media player (see Features\MediaPlayer)
  • %quote: a random quote from the bot's quote list
  • %rnd: the name of a random person in the channel
  • %bc: the number of people on the bot's internal ban list
  • %t: the current time
  • %d: the current date
WhisperGreet Bool False If TRUE, greet messages will be whispered to the user instead of posted publicly.
IdleMessage Bool False Sends a pre-configured message at a fixed interval. See Features\IdleText, Features\IdleDelay, Features\IdleType
IdleText String The text to send when Features\IdleMessage is enabled. Supports some variables:
  • %chan: name of the current channel
  • %me: bot's username
  • %ver: bot's version
  • %botup: the bot's current uptime
  • $cpuup: the bot's system uptime
  • %mp3: the name of the song currently being played by the bot's media player (see Features\MediaPlayer)
  • %quote: a random quote from the bot's quote list
  • %rnd: the name of a random person in the channel
  • %bc: the number of people on the bot's internal ban list
  • %t: the current time
  • %d: the current date
IdleDelay Long 12 Number of minutes between idle messages.
IdleType String msg The type of idle message to send. No value will use "msg".
  • msg: sends a pre-configured message
  • uptime: sends the bot's current uptime
  • mp3: sends the name of the currently playing song from the bot's media player (see Features\MediaPlayer)
  • quote: sends a random quote from the bot's quote file
Trigger String {.} The string used to access bot commands. Should be encapsulated in curly brackets {}. Can be >1 character in length.
BotOwner String The name of another user that will be given complete control over the bot. Automatically assigns database rank 200.
ChatFilters Bool True If TRUE, enables the blocking of users and messages as well as the combining of related chat events. See also Features\ChatDelay.
WhisperWindows Bool False If TRUE, separates whisper conversations into separate windows for each user.
WhisperCommands Bool False If TRUE, command responses will be whispered back even when a command is used in the channel.
ChatDelay Long 500 The time in milliseconds in which related chat events should be combined.
MediaPlayer String Winamp The name of the media player to use with music-related commands. Can be Winamp or iTunes.
PlayerPath String The path to the EXE of the media player. If not set it will be detected automatically.
AllowMP3 Bool True If TRUE, allows the use of music-related commands and functionality.
NameAutoComplete Bool True If TRUE, pressing TAB while typing a username in the send box will attempt to auto-complete that name from the names in the current channel.
AutoCompletePostfix String {,} A string to be appended after a name when TAB auto-complete is used. Should be encapsulated in curly brackets {}. A space will automatically be added after this value.
CaseSensitiveFlags Bool True If TRUE, flags in the user database will be case sensitive (flag 'D' will be different from flag 'd')
MultiLinePostfix Long { [more]} A string to be appended to any lines from messages that are split up for being too long. Should be encapsulated in curly brackets {}. See also Emulation\MaxMessageLength
FriendsListTab Bool True If FALSE, disables the friends list tab and automatic tracking of friend status.
RealmAutoChooseServer String If set, automatically joins a realm with the given name or index (D2DV/D2XP only). Client\UseRealm must be enabled.
RealmAutoChooseCharacter String If set, automatically selects the character with the given name or index (D2DV/D2XP only). Client\UseRealm must be enabled.
RealmAutoChooseDelay Long 30 The number of seconds before automatically choosing a realm character.
  • -1: disables automatic choosing
  • 0: immediately chooses without showing the character selection screen
(D2DV/D2XP only) Client\UseRealm must be enabled and Features\RealmAutoChooseCharacter must be set.


Controls channel moderation functions

Key Type Default Description
BanEvasion Bool True If TRUE, bans any users who join that are on the bot's internal ban list.
PhraseBans Bool True If TRUE, bans users who send any message containing a phrase on the banned phrases list.
PhraseKick Bool True If TRUE, kicks users instead of banning them for saying banned phrases.
LevelBanW3 Long 0 If >0, bans WAR3/W3XP users with a level lower than the set value.
LevelBanD2 Long 0 If >0, bans D2DV/D2XP users with a level lower than the set value.
LevelBanMessage String The reason used when banning a user for having a low level.
PeonBan Bool False If TRUE, bans WAR3/W3XP users who have the default peon icon.
KickOnYell Bool False If TRUE, kicks users who send a message in ALL CAPS. Messages must be longer than 5 characters and be more than 90% uppercase.
ShitlistGroup String The name of a group in the user database to assign to users added to the shitlist.
TagbansGroup String The name of a group in the user database to assign to phrases added to the tagban list.
SafelistGroup String The name of a group in the user database to assign to phrases added to the safelist.
RetainOldBans Bool False Keeps bans on the internal ban list even after the issuing operator leaves the channel.
StoreAllBans Bool False Adds bans from other operators to the bot's internal ban list.
ProtectMessage String Lockdown The reason used when banning users when Moderation\ChannelProtect is enabled.
RemoveIdleUsers Bool False If TRUE, bans users who are in the channel longer than a set time without saying anything. See Moderation\IdleBanDelay
IdleBanDelay Long 300 The number of seconds from when a user last talked before they will be banned if Moderation\RemoveIdleUsers is enabled.
KickIdleUsers Bool False Kicks users instead of banning them when Moderation\RemoveIdleUsers is enabled.
IPBans Bool True Enables use of the /ipban command and automatically bans any users with the SQUELCHED flag.
BanUDPPlugs Bool False If TRUE, automatically bans users with the UDP plug flag.
AutoSafelistLevel Long 20 The level of rank required to be safe from auto-moderation functions.
ChannelProtect Bool False If TRUE, automatically bans any non-safelisted users who join the channel.
QuietTime Bool False If TRUE, bans any non-safelisted users in the channel who send a message.
QuietTimeKick Bool False If TRUE, kicks users who talk when Moderation\QuietTime is enabled instead of banning them.
PingBan Bool False If TRUE, bans users with a ping value higher than the level configured in Moderation\PingBanLevel
PingBanLevel Long 5000 The maximum allowed ping before a user is banned when Moderation\PingBan is enabled.


Controls the look and function of the bot's user interface.

Key Type Default Description
ShowSplashScreen Bool True Shows the splash screen when the bot first starts.
ShowWhisperWindow Bool False Expands a panel at the bottom of the main window showing received (and optionally sent) whispers. See also UI\ShowOutgoingWhispers
MinimizeOnStartup Bool False Automatically minimizes the bot when it starts.
UseUTF8 Bool True Enables the sending and receiving of UTF-8 messages in chat.
DetectURLs Bool True Detects hyperlinks in chat and makes them clickable.
ShowOutgoingWhispers Bool True Shows sent whispers in the whisper window. See UI\ShowWhisperWindow
HideWhispersInMain Bool False If TRUE, hides whisper messages from being displayed in the main chat window.
HideExtraServerAlerts Bool False Hides "extra" alert messages generated by the server.
  • "You are still marked as away"
  • "No one hears you"
  • "Welcome to"
  • "This server is hosted by ..."
HideMutualFriendAlerts Bool False Hides alert messages generated by the actions of your mutual friends, such as "Your friend ... has ...".
TimestampMode Long 1 Controls the format of displayed timestamps.
  • 0: 12-hour
  • 1: 24-hour
  • 2: 24-hour with milliseconds
  • 3: no timestamp
ChatFont String Tahoma The name of a font family to use in the chat window. Must be a font recognized by your computer system.
ChatSize Long 10 The size of the font used in the chat window.
ChannelFont String Tahoma The name of a font family to use in the channel list. Must be a font recognized by your computer system.
ChannelSize Long 10 The size of the font used in the channel list.
HideCLanDisplay Bool False Hides clan tags from the channel list.
HidePingDisplay Bool False Hides ping bars from the channel list.
NamespaceConvention Long 0 Controls the reference point for usernames as seen by the bot.
  • 0: no conversion
  • 1: legacy (#USEast)
  • 2: modern (#Azeroth)
  • 3: show all
May not work on some 3rd party servers without the Emulation\PredefinedGateway option set.
UseD2Naming Bool False Allows referencing users by their Diablo 2 character name.
ShowStatsIcons Bool True Shows icons based on a user's stats. These icons are overridden if a user has special flags and UI\ShowFlagsIcons is also enabled.
ShowFlagsIcons Bool True Shows icons based on a user's channel flags. If the user does not have any flags then the default icon for their game is shown.
ShowJoinLeaves Bool True Shows messages when users join or leave the channel.
FlashOnEvents Bool False Flashes the bot window when an event occurs in the channel.
FlashOnCatchPhrases Bool True Flashes the bot window when any of a list of preconfigured phrases is said in the channel.
MinimizeToTray Bool True Minimizes the bot to the system tray rather than the taskbar.
NameColoring Bool True Colors users in the channel list based on their flags and the amount of time since they last spoke in the channel. See also UI\SecondsToIdle.
ShowOfflineFriends Bool True If disabled, hides offline friends from the friends tab and response from the /friends list command.
DisablePrefix Bool False Hides the prefix send box.
DisableSuffix Bool False Hides the suffix send box.
MathAllowUI Bool False If enabled, allows UI-related functions to be used with the /math command.
D2NamingFormat String The format used when converting Diablo 2 character names. Allows some variables:
  • title: the character's title (Slayer, Champion, etc)
  • char: the character name
  • name: the username
SecondsToIdle Long 600 Number of seconds before a user is marked in the channel list as idle, if UI\NameColoring is enabled.
NoRTBAutomaticCopy Bool False If FALSE, any text highlighted in the bot's main chat window will be copied to the computer's clipboard.
HideBanMessages Bool False Hides ban messages from the chat window.
RealmHideMotd Bool False Hides the D2 realm message of the day.
MaxUserlistSize Long 255 The maximum number of users tracked in the channel list.


Holds the position and state of UI elements.

Key Type Default Description
Left Long 0 The pixel position of the left side of the main chat window.
Top Long 0 The pixel position of the top side of the main chat window.
Height Long 600 The height of the main chat window, in pixels.
Width Long 800 The width of the main chat window, in pixels.
Maximized Bool False TRUE if the main chat window is maximized. In this state the left, top, height, and width values are ignored and not updated.
LastSettingsPanel Long 0 The index of the last settings panel that was open.
EnforceBounds Bool True Snaps the window back onto an available monitor should the number of monitors on the computer change.
MonitorCount Long 1 The number of monitors on the system when the bot was last loaded.


Controls the bot's log files and data retention.

Key Type Default Description
LogDBActions Bool True Logs changes to the user database to the 'master' log file.
LogCommands Bool True Logs executed commands to the 'master' log file.
MaxBacklogSize Long 10000 The maximum length of the text in the bot's main chat window, in characters. 0 for unlimited, though it may cause lag when the bot is running for an extended period.
MaxLogFileSize Long 0 The maximum length of the bot's log files, in characters. 0 for unlimited.
LogMode Long 2 The logging method used by the bot.
  • 0: no logging
  • 1: log until the bot closes
  • 2: keep all logs


Tunes the bot's outbound message queue (prevents being kicked for flooding when sending lots of messages)

Key Type Default Description
MaxCredits Long 600 The maximum number of queue credits the bot can have.
CostPerPacket Long 200 The number of credits required for each packet sent.
CostPerByte Long 7 The number of credits required for each byte of each packet sent.
CostPerByteOverThreshhold Long 8 The number of credits required for each byte of messages longer than the threshhold.
StartingCredits Long 200 The number of queue credits given to the bot at startup
ThreshholdBytes Long 200 The maximum length of a message before it uses the increased credit cost per byte sent.
CreditRate Long 7 The number of milliseconds it takes to earn back 1 credit.


Controls the bot's scripting system.

Key Type Default Description
DisableScripts Bool False Disables the entire scripting system
AllowUI Bool True Allows scripts to create forms and modify UI elements.
ScriptViewer String Path to a program used to view and edit scripts when opened from the scripting menu. Defaults to the system default handler for the script's file type.
ScriptViewerArgs String Optional command-line parameters passed to the script viewer program when opening a file.


Controls specifics of the bot's emulation of the protocol.

Key Type Default Description
IgnoreClanInvites Bool False Ignores invites to WarCraft 3 clans.
IgnoreKeyLength Bool False Allows any length CD key to be used with any product. (Warning! Use at your own risk, may result in an IP ban.)
PingSpoof Long 0 Exploits server behavior to give the bot a fake ping value.
  • 0: no spoofing
  • 1: 0 ms (send response early)
  • 2: ignore request
This may not work on some servers that have dynamic ping updates.
UseUDP Bool False Gives the bot a UDP plug flag (not available on D2DV/D2XP or WAR3/W3XP)
CustomStatstring String Allows you to customize your statstring on supported products (DSHR and DRTL only)
ForceDefaultLocaleID Bool False Forces the bot to use locale ID 1033 (US English) instead of the system locale.
UDPString String bnet Modifies the token code used to validate a client as supporting UDP.
KeyOwner String If set, the name is registered as being the owner of the bot's CD key. Defaults to the bot's username.
LowerCasePassword Bool True If FALSE, passwords for OLS (non-WAR3) accounts will NOT be lowercased before hashing. May cause incompatibility with other bots not being able to login to your account.
IgnoreVersionCheck Bool False Ignores the response from the server's version check and attempts to continue the connection sequence.
PredefinedGateway String If set, disables automatic gateway detection and treats the client as being on the set gateway. Used with UI\NamespaceConvention
ForceJoinDefaultChannel Bool False Joins the product's home channel (and receives the server's MotD) before joining the channel configured in Client\HomeChannel.
MaxMessageLength Long 223 The maximum length of a chat message before it is split into multiple messages. See also Features\MultiLinePostfix.
AutoCreateChannels String ALWAYS Controls behavior when joining a channel from the channel list.
  • ALERT: Shows an error message when the channel is unavailable. (NoCreate join)
  • NEVER: Does nothing if the channel is unavailable. (NoCreate join with filtered error message)
  • ALWAYS: Attempts to create the channel if it is unavailable. (Force join)
RegisterEmailAction String PROMPT Controls the bot's response to being requested to register an email address for an account.
  • VALUE: Registers the value set in Emulation\RegisterEmailDefault as the bot's email address
  • PROMPT: Prompts the user to enter an email address to register
  • NEVERASK: Registers an empty email address, preventing the request from happening again.
  • ASKLATER: Ignores the request
RegisterEmailDefault String The email address registered when Emulation\RegisterEmailAction is set to VALUE.
RegisterEmailChange String The email address used when changing your email address with Client\AccountMode set to CHANGEEMAIL.
RealmServerPassword String password Overrides the password used to login to the realm server
RealmAccountMaxCharacters Long 8 Overrides the limit for the number of characters allowed on a Diablo 2 realm account. Use with caution!
ProtocolID Long 0 Overrides the ProtocolID value sent in SID_AUTH_INFO (0x50). Use with caution!
PlatformID String IX86 Overrides the PlatformID value sent in SID_AUTH_INFO (0x50), SID_STARTVERSIONING (0x06) and SID_REPORTVERSION (0x07). Use with caution!
ProductLanguage String Overrides the language value sent in SID_AUTH_INFO (0x50). Use with caution!
ServerCommandList String w %,whisper %,m %,msg %,f m,clan mail,c mail,clan motd,c motd,away,dnd,ban %,kick %,j,join,channel,me,emote
GatewayDelimeter String # The string used to separate usernames from the gateway component (Bob@USEast vs Bob#USEast)
XXVerByte Long -1 Overrides the version byte sent when logging into products indicated by XX. Value should be hexadecimal. XX can be:
  • W2: WarCraft 2
  • SC: StarCraft
  • D2: Diablo 2 (non-expansion)
  • D2X: Diablo 2: Expansion
  • W3: WarCraft 3
  • D1: Diablo Retail
  • DS: Diablo Shareware
  • JS: Japanese StarCraft
  • SS: StarCraft Shareware
XXLogonSystem Long -1 Overrides the logon mechanism used by products indicated by XX.
  • 1: NLS (SID_AUTH_*)
XX can be:
  • W2: WarCraft 2
  • SC: StarCraft
  • D2: Diablo 2 (non-expansion)
  • D2X: Diablo 2: Expansion
  • W3: WarCraft 3
  • D1: Diablo Retail
  • DS: Diablo Shareware
  • JS: Japanese StarCraft
  • SS: StarCraft Shareware


Controls specifics of the bot's emulation of the protocol.

Key Type Default Description
WardenFlags Long 0 Bitwise flags used to control debugging behavior of WardenDLL.
  • 16: DEBUG_MODE

In the code

Adding a new setting

Adding a new setting to the configuration is done entirely within clsConfig.cls.

  1. Pick a section for the setting to go in. If none of the sections apply you can consider adding a new one, just be sure to define the section name as a SECTION_ constant at the top of the file.
  2. Create a private field. Each setting has a private field in the config class. Find the section you've chosen for your setting and add a member for it there. Please follow the naming convention that the other settings use.
  3. Create public GET/LET properties. Each setting also has a public GET and LET property. This property sets or returns the value of the private field. Find the section for your setting and add properties for it. You should put all of these in the same relative place within the section.
  4. Add a default value for the setting in the LoadDefaults() method. Again, be sure to put it in the section in the same relative place as the field and properties.
  5. Load the setting's value. Find the load functions for the config versions this setting can be found in (you usually do not need to create a new one just to add a setting). Using the same methods as the other settings, load the value for your setting here. Note: ReadSetting() returns a string. ReadSettingB() returns a bool. ReadSettingL() returns a long. There is no method for doubles or other variable types so you will either have to make a function for that type of do the manual conversion from string in the load function.
  6. Save the setting. Add the setting to the Save() method. Be sure to specify the default value parameter as the private field, so the default system works correctly.