These are note for anyone who is interested in quickly familiarizing themselves with superconductors from a materials science perspective. A good portion of the notes are based on the references provided at the end.
The presentation can be viewed on and PDF report-style version can be accessed here. This presentation uses the quarto package to build a revealjs presentation.
The document preparation is carried out in VSCode using the quarto extension. The executed code blocks in this presentation are done in python or Julia.
- Install Quarto
- Install Julia
- Clone the repo
- Instantiate the Julia project:
cd CrashCourseSCMaterials julia --project=@.
julia> ] (BayesianOptNotes) pkg> instantiate julia> using IJulia julia> notebook() julia> `press CTRL+C` julia> using Conda julia> Conda.add("jupyter-cache") julia> exit()
- Render document/project :
quarto render .
Peforming these steps will produce a revealjs in the output folder along with a report style pdf.