wsl --install
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
cd .config/home-manager && nix run home-manager/master -- switch
echo "$(which fish)" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
sudo sh -c 'echo "trusted-users = root stefan" >> /etc/nix/nix.conf'
chsh -s "$(which fish)"
wslview -r
tar xvf release.tar.gz
cd release
My favourite x server for wsl2 to use linux gui apps
Allows to use ssh keys out of 1password from windows host with hello authentication.
winget install -e --id jstarks.npiperelay
My favourite password manager, especially with the ssh agent and windows hello authentication.
winget install -e --id AgileBits.1Password
My favourite screenshot tool
winget install -e --id ShareX.ShareX
Download the latest release. Install the windows font and set it as default in windows terminal (CaskaydiaCove NF Mono).
Add emoji font
sudo apt install fonts-noto-color-emoji
My favourite dev setup for local development
cd .config/home-manager
nix flake update
nix run home-manager/master -- switch
sudo chown 1000:1000 /run/user/1000
systemctl --user start vsock.service
systemctl --user start ssh-proxy.service
winget install -e --id Notepad++.Notepad++
winget install -e --id Discord.Discord
winget install -e --id SlackTechnologies.Slack
winget install -e --id tailscale.tailscale