Small projects from learning Java.
- Postal Bar Code Creator -- creates the bar code along the bottom of an envelope when given the zip code
- Robot Maze -- given a maze, have 3 robots with different strategies try to escape and report on the best strategy
- Magic Square (info)
- Bulgarian Solitaire (info)
- Arithmetic Tutor
- Airplane Seat Assignment
- Appointment Calendar
- Action Listener Examples
- I/O Exception Handling
- Quiz Administrator
- WebScraping of Books from HTML to Text
- Vending Machine
- Credit Card Number Validator
- Game of Nim
- Combination Lock
- Fibonacci generator
- Date manipulation
- Lottery picker
- Letter printer
- Sorting
- Dialog boxes, pop-ups, greeters, applets, components, etc.
- Dice
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- and of course, Hello World!