Logs in to StudentWeb with your Feide credentials, fetches all one-letter grades (i.e. courses with 'bestått' is not included), and calculates your GPA.
Formula used for calculating GPA: sum(grade * credits)/sum(credits).
- Python3
- pip3
- Chrome v58-60
- Feide NTNU user
$ git clone https://github.com/stekern/ntnu-gpa-calculator.git && cd ntnu-gpa-calculator/
$ pip3 install selenium
$ curl -O https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.31/chromedriver_linux64.zip
$ unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip && rm chromedriver_linux64.zip
$ chmod +x chromedriver && sudo mv -f chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
$ python3 gpa_fetcher.py