currency-rates-api is a free service for current and historical foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank. Also makes use of the Exchange Rates API
Get the latest currency rates in the following format/schema:
"results": {
"base": "",
"date": "",
"rates": {
base: the home currency rates to be quoted against (i.e.
) -
currency: the specific exchange rates based on a comma-separated symbols parameter (i.e.
Upon a successful API response, transform the fetched payload into an object containing the following keys:
results: JSON object containing the results from the API
base: the requested home rate from the request URL query strings
date: the current date
rates: An Object containing the requested currency in the request URL query strings
A successful response for the above request should return the following schema (of course with a more up-to-date values)
"results": {
"base": "CZK",
"date": "2020-11-17",
"rates": {
"EUR": 0.0377244605,
"GBP": 0.033795458,
"USD": 0.044824204