- OKD v3.11.0+
- Operator Lifecycle Manager 0.10.0+
The full suite of Kabanero foundation components include:
- Istio
- Knative
- Eventing
- Serving
- Tekton
- Dashboard
- Pipelines
The default configuration for the Kabanero foundation components require a scheduling capacity of approximately:
- 6 CPU cores
- 16GB of memory
Optional Recommended Openshift Components include:
The default configuration for the optional recommended Openshift components with defined resource requests and limits has an upper bound requiring approximately:
- 3.5 + ( 0.25 * #nodes ) CPU Cores
- 26GB + ( 1GB * #nodes ) Memory
- Notably elasticsearch requires a large memory node to schedule on
The following table illustrates the default container resource requests and limits in a 3 node cluster.