A game where you try to guess the location of towns and cities in Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland)
Using data derived from Ordnance Survey, Crown Copyright and database rights 2023.
- Each game lasts ten rounds.
- Click on the map to make your guess
- A series of rings will show where the town actually is, and where the medal earning zones are
- Click on 'Next' to go to the next round
- If you're close enough, you're awarded medals
- Platinum if within 2 pixels
- Gold if within 5 pixels
- Silver if within 10 pixels
- Bronze if within 20 pixels
There are two high scores recorded,
- Game score (based on medals)
- 200 for each Platinum
- 100 for each Gold
- 50 for each Silver
- 25 for each Bronze
- 0 for anything else
- Distance score (based on total distance you were out by, lower the better)
At the end of the game you can play again, or see a screen showing your stats.