An Elixir-flavored wrapper for the Lessonly API.
Add lessonly to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:lessonly, "~> 0.0.1"}]
# Instantiate a client with your subdomain and API key
iex> client ="test", "t5tNqaykVwN3Hk1VXXNLOKG6snTMnU8U")
# Make requests!
iex> client |> Lessonly.Lessons.all
%{"id" => 29414, "title" => "Test Lesson 1"},
%{"id" => 29415, "title" => "Test Lesson 2"}
iex> client |> Lessonly.User.find(544547)
"custom_user_field_data" => [],
"email" => "",
"ext_uid" => nil,
"id" => 544547,
"name" => "Test User 1",
"resource_type" => "user",
"role" => "admin",
"type" => "user"
iex> assignments = %{"assignee_id" => 544547, "due_by" => "2020-12-31"}
iex> client |> Lessonly.Lesson.assign(%{"assignments" => assignments})
"assignments" => [
"assignable_id" => 29415,
"assignable_type" => "Lesson",
"assignee_id" => 544547,
"completed_at" => nil,
"due_by" => "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"ext_uid" => nil,
"id" => 941035,
"reassigned_at" => nil,
"resource_type" => "assignment",
"score" => 0,
"started_at" => nil,
"status" => "Incomplete",
"updated_at" => "2016-04-03T14:55:00Z"
"type" => "update_lesson_assignments"