My Styles, Import PDF, PlantUML
What's Changed
- Added ability to import PDF files in bulk using wildcards in the Import command, #728
- Added Images/Draw PlantUML command to insert a diagram based on selected text, #852
- Updated Images/Resize and Adjust command to remember previous settings, #857
- Updated OneMore styles, renaming main menu button to My Styles, #746, #749
- Added a Page Color option to the Edit Styles dialog, applied to page when using Apply Styles command
- Redesigned the Page Color dialog to better handle dark mode and contrast warnings
- Updated the style gallery to better render My Styles page color unless overridden by the current page color
- Updated the Apply Styles dialog to make page color optional
- Updated Show XML with options to place each attribute on its own line and to save window size and position, #869
- Fixed an issue where Clear Background would remove text colors, #788
- Note, this seems to work well for 99% of cases where a page has a light-colored background but doesn't do such a good job when a page has a dark-colored background
- Fixed an issue where bulk imports would result in empty pages, #848
Wiki Updates
- Coming in the next couple of days...
Full Changelog: 5.5.0...5.6.0