In this game, players will code a bot to attempt to solve a randomly generated maze in a set number of turns. Created by stevengreens10 and shaked6540
You can download the game here. Once you extract the rar file, you can edit the example bot code and attempt to solve the maze with your bot.
To run the game, you must type the following command into a console.
CSharpRunner.exe "[botname].cs" [cols] [rows] [cellsize]
is the side length of each cell in the maze in pixels.
Or, simply click on "Run.bat". It will load the default "MyBot.cs" file
Example bot:
using CSharpRunner;
namespace testBot1
public class MyBot : IMazeBot
public void Init()
//Init all your variables here.
//Note: You cant get the Game object here, this method runs only once before the first turn
public void DoTurn(Game game)
//Write all your code here, this method will run every turn
This example bot loops through the directions and tries to move that direction if there is no wall in the way.
public void Init(){}
This is a function you must include for your bot to work. The code in this function will be executed once, before it begins starting its turns.
public void DoTurn(Game game){}
This is a function you must include for your bot to work. The code in this function will be called once each turn.
returns the current turn number.
will display a debug message in the console along with the current turn number.
returns the cell that the player is currently at.
returns the cell that the player starts at.
returns the cell at the end of the maze.
returns true if the player can move into the given cell.
will move the player in the specified direction. If there is a wall in the way, a warning message will appear in the console. Note that you may only move once each turn. returns true if the player moved.
The directions map to the following numbers:
North: 0
East: 1
South: 2
West: 3
will move the player to a certain cell if possible. If the player can not move to the given cell, a warning message will appear in the console. returns true if the player moved.
yields a boolean that dictates whether a wall is present or not in that direction. true
means that there is a wall.
returns a Location object that has the column and row coordinate of the cell. These are stored in location.x
and location.y
returns a cell in the specified direction from the current cell. If that direction is somewhere outside of the maze, the function will return null, and a warning message will appear in the console