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Installation Option A: Pull a Prebuilt Image (Recommended)

Edgar edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 20 revisions

This may be the easiest option to get started. However, it may require more Docker know-how for customization.

TAG=latest # can change to a version number like 2.11.2$TAG # may use ppserver:$TAG for server-only image
docker pull $IMAGE_NAME

# to test, make sure that your current working directory has
# - a serverconfig.json, which has a "URL": "http://localhost:[PORT]" entry 
#   (default PORT=3456, can be set to any valid, non-conflicting numeric port value)
# - an optional dataset folder, containing js files of any serverconfig.genomes.datasets[] entry
#   that is not already included in proteinpaint/server/dataset 

# download the run script

chmod a+x

# open the browser to your serverconfig.URL entry
# example routes to check, assuming serverconfig.URL=http://localhost:3456
# http://localhost:3456/healthcheck
# http://localhost:3456/genomes
# http://localhost:3456 should open the Proteinpaint landing page

# Hints:
# - inspect logs with 'docker logs pp'
# - ssh into the container with 'docker exec -it pp'
# - stop the container with 'docker stop pp'