Capturing requests
- browser/non-browser
- process specific
- toggle capturing
Seeing requests/responses in the session list
Inspecting requests with the "inspectors" tab
- headers
- syntax
- json
Automatically responding with the "AutoResponder" tab
Composing a new request based on an old one with the "Composer" tab
Filtering requests with the "Filters" tab
Viewing request timeline with the "Timeline" tab
QuickExec commands
- Alt+q
- ?search
- select type (select css, select image/png)
- @host (@localhost)
- =ResponseCode (=200, =404)
- =Method (=GET, =POST)
- bold term (bold index.html) - only applies to new requests
Saving and loading sessions
- adding comments
- attaching files
Using the "TextWizard" to compose strings that are painful to do by hand
Adding custom rules with the "FiddlerScript" tab
- external FiddlerScript editor with intellisense