The repository contains the following flows:
- Deploy ACM based environment according to the user input.
- Deploy Submariner on ACM
- Test Submariner
- Report Tests results (used by QE)
Review the prerequisites documentation file.
Note - If any requirement is missing, the flow will fail with relevant error message.
- In case required environment already exists, skip to the next section.
- In case environment needs to be deployed, review the ACM environment deployment section.
Fully ACM based environment could be deployed by using the stolostron.rhacm collection.
Refer to the local execution flow doc for the details.
The following clusters platforms are supported by the Submariner Addon deployment and test:
- Azure
- VMware
- ARO (Azure managed Openshift)
- ROSA (AWS managed Openshift)
- IBMPower
The user is able to define manually which platforms should be deployed and tested.
Multiple platforms should be separated by a comma.
Note - ARO and ROSA platform could not be created by ACM Hub Hive mechanism.
Those platform should be created separately and imported into the Hub.
After importing ARO/ROSA, a secret contains credentials for the cluster
should be created and stored within a namespace of the cluster within a Hub.
Note - Each version supported within a relevant branch. Note - Before deployment execution, switch to the relevant branch - release-2.6, release-2.7, etc...
ACM Hub | Submariner |
2.5.x | 0.12.x |
2.6.x | 0.13.x |
2.7.x | 0.14.x |
2.8.x | 0.15.x |
2.9.x | 0.16.x |
2.10.x | 0.17.x |
2.11.x | 0.18.x |
Execution of deployment, testing and reporting requires connection details to the ACM HUB cluster.
The details should be provided as environment variables.
The execution of the flow is done by providing a main argument followed by an optional arguments.
export OC_CLUSTER_API=<hub cluster api url>
export OC_CLUSTER_USER=<cluster user name (kubeadmin)>
export OC_CLUSTER_PASS=<password of the cluster user>
./ --deploy --platform aws,gcp --downstream true --globalnet true
Main arguments:
--all - Perform deployment and testing of the Submariner addon
--deploy - Perform deployment of the Submariner addon
--test - Perform testing of the Submariner addon
--report - Report tests results to Polarion
--gather-logs - Gather debug info and logs for environment
--validate-prereq - Perform prerequisites validation of the environment
before deployment.
The validation will consist of the following checks:
- Verify ACM hub credentials
- Verify at least two clusters available from provided platforms
This is used by the ci flow to not fail the job if provided
environment is not ready.
The state will be written to validation_state.log file
and will not fail the flow.
Submariner deployment arguments:
--platform - Specify the platforms that should be used for testing
Separate multiple platforms by comma
By default - aws,gcp
--downstream - Use the flag if downstream images should be used.
Submariner images could be sourced from two places:
* Official Red Hat ragistry -
* Downstream Quay registry -
By default - false
--skip-gather-logs - Specify if logs gathering should be skipped.
The gathering will be done on all submariner configs.
By default - false
Tests arguments:
--test-type - Select test type that should be executed.
- e2e (api based testing)
- ui (cypress testing)
By default - e2e,ui
--test-browser - Select the browser to be used during UI testing.
- chrome
- electron
By default - chrome
--report-suffix - Add suffix to the tests basename.
By default - empty string
Submariner configuration arguments:
--globalnet - Set the state of the Globalnet for the Submariner deployment.
The globalnet configuration will be applied starting from
ACM version 2.5.0 and Submariner 0.12.0
By default - true
--subm-ipsec-natt-port - IPSecNATTPort represents IPsec NAT-T port.
Submariner default - 4500.
Deployment default - 4505.
--subm-cable-driver - CableDriver represents the submariner cable driver implementation.
Available options are libreswan (default), wireguard,
and vxlan.
--subm-gateway-count - Gateways represents the count of worker nodes that will be used
to deploy the Submariner gateway component on the managed cluster.
The default value is 1, if the value is greater than 1,
the Submariner gateway HA will be enabled automatically.
--subm-gateway-random - Set the deployment flow to randomize the gateway deployment
between clusters. When used, the flow will deploy 2 gateway nodes
on the first cluster and 1 gateway node on all other clusters.
Used by the internal QE flow to test random states of gateways.
Note - The use of this flag will ignore the "--subm-gateway-count"
By default - false
--upgrade - Perform upgrade process of ACM and Submariner
The process will update catalog sources of ACM and Submariner
and then will trigger the ACM upgrade the will upgrade Submariner
as part of the process.
--subm-label-gw-node - Manually label Submariner Gateway node for the specified clusters.
Separate multiple clusters by comma.
By default, no used.
Reporting arguments:
--polarion-vars-file - A path to the file that contains Polarion details.
Internal only (used by QE)
The file should contains the following variables:
server = <polarion_server_url>
user = <polarion_user>
pass = <polarion_pass>
project_id = <project_id_name>
component_id = <component_name>
team_name = <team_name>
testrun_template = <testrun_template_name>
Alternatively, those environment variables could be exported.
--polarion_add_skipped - Add skipped tests to polarion report.
Will deplay junit skipped tests as "Waiting" in Polarion (i.e. test not run yet)
Internal only (used by QE)
By default - false
--help|-h - Print help
Submariner addon testing performed by using the subctl
The tools will be downloaded during the testing to the executors machine.
The following test phases will be done:
Command | Description |
subctl show all |
Shows the aggregated information of versions, networks, gateways, connections, endpoints |
subctl diagnose all |
Execute diagnostic checks to find possible issues or misconfigurations |
subctl diagnose firewall inter-cluster |
Checks if the firewall configuration allows tunnels to be configured on the Gateway nodes |
subctl verify |
Execute E2E tests to verify proper Submariner functionality |
For more information refer to the Submariner documentation -
Note - The subctl
tool is able to perform testing between two clusters only at the same time.
In case multiple clusters exist under the ACM Hub management, the testing step will perform the following flow:
- First cluster will be defined as the main cluster for the testing.
- All other clusters will be looped and tested against the "main" testing cluster.
All the testing information, in additional to the kubeconfig
files of the managed clusters
will be saved on the executors machine in a directory called tests_logs
which will be created during tests execution.
The reports of tests results are made to the Polarion system.
Report flow will generate the testcases
and testruns
xml files based on the junit file.
The generated files will be pushed into the Polarion to update the state of the testing.
In order to make an update of the tests state in Polarion, additional details should be provided.
Provided details could be exported as environment variables or provided as a text based file.
server = <polarion_server_url>
user = <polarion_user>
pass = <polarion_pass>
project_id = <project_id_name>
component_id = <component_name>
team_name = <team_name>
testrun_template = <testrun_template_name>