Ansible Playbooks to deploy:
- RHEL onto a bare metal server, using IDRAC Ansible modules
- RHEV onto that RHEL
- A set of OpenShift Cluster onto RHEV.
- A set of applications onto an OpenShift Cluster (e.g. ISTIO)
Example: Create OpenShift Cluster OCP2 requires three steps:
- Create the RHEV VMs
- Prepare these VMs so that OpenShift Pre-Reqs are fulfilled.
- Install OpenShift onto these VMs
ansible-playbook -i cfg/inventory.yml -e @cfg/ocp2.yml 300_ocp_create_nodes.yml
ansible-playbook -i cfg/inventory.yml -e @cfg/ocp2.yml 310_ocp_prepare_nodes.yml
ansible-playbook -i cfg/inventory.yml -e @cfg/ocp2.yml 320_ocp_install_nodes.yml
This shows the structure and procedure nicely. Check the playbooks for tags, there are plenty of them to be able to easily run/skip only certain parts.