LEGO is a programming language inspired by LOLCODE and modern English. Syntax is extremely inconventionally.
Special thanks to Legolas Greenleaf for providing exposure to this type of modern English!
indiciates the start of a comment.
To be implemented (TBI): Multi-lined comments need to have and
at the start of each line.
btw this is a comment
and this is another line to the comment
Variables are declared with with keyword girlboss
and assignment operator / equality checker gaslight
girlboss gaslight "string"
girlboss gaslight 10
girlboss gaslight true
Supported types are the same as JavaScript and dynamically typed.
If statements are gatekeep
. While loops are similar, but with more
. Boolean expressions using gaslight
and boolean variables follow. The statement is ended with ?
. If statements can have else ifs using ono gatekeep
and else statements using ono
. Indentation is used as opposed to curly brackets.
gatekeep true?
ono gatekeep true
gatekeep true?
Each program is started with omg bestie!
and ended with im going to play minecraft
. The language is case insensitive.