Using MCUXpresso IDE, right click in the Project Explorer tab and choose the 'Import' option. Select 'Existing Projects into Workspace' and browse to the .zip archive.
Connect the X-NUCLEO MEMS IKS01A2 on top of the LPCXpresso Board.
- Mount a servomotor underneath the board (make sure that the rotor is in its neutral position). For our experiment the servomotor used is a Parallax 900-00005.
- Power source for the servo can be obtained connecting it through the MEMS.
- The PWM signal is taken from the P0_12 pin.
If you are interested in observing the sensor measurements, open main.c and uncomment the lines:
Using them will greatly hamper the performance of the self correction. These debug messages can be read using the integrated serial terminal or using applications like PuTTY.