Bug Bounty Hunting Recon Script
Gist: Some terrible python code leveraging awesome programs that I use personally for bug bounty recon… I hope to spend time to make it better.
NOTE: This is an active recon – only perform on application you have permission to test.
Tools leveraged:
- Sublist3r by Ahmed Aboul-Ela (https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r)
- EyeWitness by ChrisTruncer (https://github.com/ChrisTruncer/EyeWitness)
Usage: python PyBrute.py -d example.com –b –s n --vpn
--install/--upgrade – Both do the same function – install Sublis3r and EyeWitness (Kali is a prerequisite AFAIK)
-d – domain you want to perfom recon on
--vpn – Check if you are on VPN (update with your provider)
-b – Use Sublis3r’s subrute subdomain brute forcing method
-s n – List of URL’s include HTTPS and HTTP (HTTPS only by default)