Releases: stysk1/AirBand
Releases · stysk1/AirBand
Final Code 12/3/18
Airband Release v1.0
Getting Started:
The Useful Links tab will get you started with downloading the necessary software for your system. Once everything is set up, the Myo (or Myos) need to be able to connect to the computer via Bluetooth and should be visible in the Myo Connect Armband Manager. Two Myo armbands are recommended for this program.
How to Use It:
This link will explain how to run the program for each platform. The caveat in this release is as follows:
- Both armbands must be disconnected in the Armband Manager.
- Once the MyoDrum program has started, the right Myo must be connected, disconnected, then re-connected. 3. The left arm must be connected.
- Press the SPACEBAR to center the location of both armbands.