- Ryu controller
- If you do not have Ryu, use default ovs controller
Use the following command for running the test case
sudo python testbed.py
In mininet cli use
xterm h3
Note : if it throws an error, use
xterm cltr
Run ryu inside xterm by using the following command in h3/cltr xterm window
cd ~/ryu; PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ryu run --observe-links ryu/app/simple_switch.py
if you don't have Ryu, you can use
controller -v ptcp:6633
in Mininet cli to check the connectivity
is for debugging purpose. It should be used with the following commandsudo ifconfig lo:1;sleep 5; sudo mn --topo linear,3 --switch ovsk,inband=True --controller=remote,ip=
- ovs-vsctl -- --columns=name,ofport list Interface 2.a sudo ovs-vsctl --columns=other_config list bridge | grep "disable-in-band" 2.b ovs-vsctl set bridge br other-config:disable-in-band=true
- ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows br0
- ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:max-idle=50000