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dotfiles for NixOS ❄ with home-manager & other programs

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dotfiles for nixos, alacritty, tmux, starship, neovim, etc.

Installation Guide

Only for me. I have not tested this elsewhere and my config might not be something you would want. Current system is a impermanence setup with tmpfs and LUKS encryption for root and swap with flakes. After booting into ISO follow the steps:


Before copy pasting check for values inside angle brackets <>

Prepare Drive

  1. Current partition scheme is an EFI partition of 512MiB with boot, ESP flags turned on. Easy with Gparted GUI program.
  2. Turn EFI partition as boot with set <partition number> boot on on the parted prompt.
  3. Swap as same size as RAM. Enable swap after partion creation with sudo swapon /dev/nvme0n1p<n>
  4. Rest as nix parition with sudo parted /dev/nveme0n1 --script mkpart nix <starting part in GB> <ending part in GB>, find the starting and end with sudo parted /dev/nvme0n1 print.
  5. Check alignment with for i in {1..<n>}; do sudo parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- align-check optimal $i; done.

Encrypt nix drive

  1. Format for LUKS with sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p<n>.
  2. Enter passphrase when prompted.
  3. Open the nix drive with sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p<n> crypted at /dev/mapper/crypted.
  4. Format the encrypted partition with ext4 with the command sudo mkfs.ext4 -L nix /dev/mapper/crypted.
  5. Verify drives scheme with sudo parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- unit MiB print.
  6. Should look like the following:
| Number | Size  | File system    | Name | Flags     |
| ------ | ----- | -------------- | ---- | --------- |
| 1      | 512MB | fat32          | EFI  | boot, esp |
| 2      | 16GB  | linux-swap(v1) | swap | swap      |
| 3      | <n>   | ext4           | nix  |           |

Mount drives

  1. Mount tmpfs at /mnt with sudo mount -v -t tmpfs none /mnt.
  2. Create directories to mount to with sudo mkdir -v -p /mnt/{boot,nix,etc/nixos,home/crimson/dotfiles,var/log}
  3. Mount /boot to /mnt/boot with sudo mount -v /dev/nvme0n1p<n> /mnt/boot -o umask=0077
  4. Mount encrypted drive to /mnt/nix with sudo mount -v /dev/mapper/crypted /mnt/nix
  5. Create persistent directories with sudo mkdir -v -p /mnt/nix/persist/{etc/nixos,home/crimson/dotfiles,var/log}.
  6. Bind mount config and logs with sudo mount -v -o /mnt/nix/persist/etc/nixos /mnt/etc/nixos & sudo mount -v -o bind /mnt/nix/persist/var/log /mnt/var/log.

Generate hardware configuration

  1. To get hardware-configuration.nix run the command sudo nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
  2. Change directory to config with cd mnt/etc/nixos.
  3. Ignore error of Not Btrfs filesystem.

Edit hardware-configuration.nix

  1. Edit to add options in tmpfs section with sed -i '/fsType = "tmpfs";/a options = [ "defaults" "size=25%" "mode=755" ];' ./hardware-configuration.nix or manually.
  fileSystems."/" = {
      device = "none";
      fsType = "tmpfs";
+     options = [ "defaults" "size=25%" "mode=755" ];
  1. Fix this error with sed -i '/fsType = "vfat"/a options = [ "umask=0077" ];' ./hardware-configuration.nix or manually. sed command adds options = [ "umask=0077"]; on the vfat section.
      fsType = "vfat";
+     options = [ "umask=0077" ];

Encrypt Swap

  1. The by-uuid generated for the swapDevice in the hardware-configuration.nix needs to change to the by-partuuid because when using the randomEncryption.enable = true the by-uuid changes every boot.
  2. Get by-uuid & by-partuuid with ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid & ls -l /dev/disk/by-partuuid respectively. Take values of the swap partition.
  3. Swap out by-uuid/<by-uuid number> with by-partuuid/<by-partuuid number (there should only be one occurance of such but if multiple exists swap for all) followed by randomEncryption.enable = true; on new line below.

Get config from git

  1. Setup network.
Configure WPA supplicant so we can use WIFI:

$ cat > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
$ systemctl start wpa_supplicant
  1. Clone repo git clone
  2. Swap out the repo's hardware config with newly generated one.
  3. (optional) Move the config to /mnt/nix/persist/home/crimson/dotfiles/.
  4. Add current hardware config to git with git add . because nix expects everything to be touched by git.


  1. cd to whichever directory the config is on.
  2. run sudo nixos-install --flake .#crimson --no-root-passwd
  3. Reboot system.

Additional notes

  1. Error on logout is this which is harmless AFAIK.
  2. Troubleshooting: If for whatever reason the system doesn't boot, we can go back to the installation environment by booting from the ISO and remounting all partitions with cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p<n> crypted and mount tmpfs to /mnt and etc (see above config).
  3. Currently boot order set from UEFI determines the OS that's booted into however for dualboot or more OS a rEFInd as boot option is easiest option. Link to current rEFInd theme/config github/sudanchapagain/rEFInd-theme


Additional Resources

uses different filesystems and things but generally similar.


I do not remember all of places where i have taken the config snippets and this README text (many gists, blogs, and other's configs) but i used will bush's blog as primary resource.