This repository contains project files to solve the SD-RSPP with two methods: a multi-criteria hierarchical A* (SDRSP-HA*) algorithm and a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model using Gurobipy.
- Institution: University of Toronto
- Course: AER1516 - Motion Planning for Robotics with Dr. Jonathan Kelly
- Dates: Winter 2022
- Project Status: Complete
- Need to update versions of packages used and
- python - version 3.7.7
- numpy - version 1.19.1
- networkx - version 4.12.0
- matplotlib - version 3.3.1
- gurobi - version 9.0.3
- scipy - version 2.18.200
- Gurobi Optimizer: Gurobi is an industrial mixed-integer programming solver that works with many programming languages including Python. In order to use Gurobi, you need an academic license, which can be found here: In addition, you must download the gurobi software from this site or if you use the Anaconda Distribution for Python, you can run the following code:
pip3 install gurobi