Amacapy is a program that focuses on web scraping, and The data extracted are the price, title and URL of the products searched, then with the help of a Telegram bot created with Bot Father, these are published in a certain time.
Libraries and technologies used:
- 1.1. Start a new conversation with the BotFather in Telegram.
- 1.2. Send /newbot to create a new Telegram bot.
- 1.3. When asked, enter a name for the bot.
- 1.4. Give the Telegram bot a unique username.
- 1.5. Copy and save the Telegram bot's access token for later steps.
- 2.1. Open the terminal in the path of the Amacapy program.
- 2.2. Type: pip install -r requirements.txt.
- 2.3. Wait for the installation to finish.
- 4.1. Amazon ID: Your amazon affiliates tag.
- 4.2. Telegram Token: It is the token obtained when creating the telegram bot with Bot Father.
- 4.3. Chat ID: The name of the Telegram channel or Telegram group. Make sure the chat ID has no symbols or special characters.
- 5.1. You can place the direct URL of a product or enter the keyword of the product you want to search for.
- 5.2. Select Amazon region.
- 5.3. Activate or deactivate quick search. (Optional).
- 5.4. Press Enter in the search bar or click on the search symbol to start retrieving products.
- 6.1. Modify the title or price of the products only by editing the text field.
- 6.2. Select in "Check" the products you want to publish.
- 6.3.Click on the button "Add to publish" to add them to the list of products to be published.
- 7.1. Verify name and price of the products to be published.
- 7.2. Add how often (in minutes) you want the products to be published on Telegram.
- 7.3. Press the Telegram button to start publishing. While it is posting, you cannot do other things in the program unless you press the "stop" button.
- 7.1. You can see the URL, title, price and publication date of the product.
- 8.1. Go to "Settings" and click on the "Modify publication message" button located in other options.
- 9.1. Go to "Settings" and click on the "Modify Short URL" button located in other options.
- 9.2. Select between Tinyurl, and
- 10.1. Activating the option that allows you to publish 1 product with the amazon affiliate tag of the Amacapy developer. It is published every 5 products published. (option enabled by default, you can disable it manually).