0.1.0 (2017-02-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed constructor of sitemap-class #34 (wachterjohannes)
- Implemented is-published function for route-provider #7 (wachterjohannes)
Closed issues:
- hasNextPage in view object is always false #61
- Translate missing in search #26
- Type translation #4
- Delete Article #3
Merged pull requests:
- Moved installation notes to doc #67 (wachterjohannes)
- Fixed has-next-page in article data-provider #60 (wachterjohannes)
- Added methods to article-resource-item #58 (wachterjohannes)
- Fixed smart-content query for categories and tags #57 (wachterjohannes)
- Added automation-info #55 (wachterjohannes)
- Allow stable sulu (1.4) #54 (gisostallenberg)
- Added notification-badge #53 (wachterjohannes)
- Added automation tab to article #52 (wachterjohannes)
- Add custom structure bridge for articles #49 (alexander-schranz)
- Added selection content-type #48 (wachterjohannes)
- Reintroduced wildcard-query to make search more explicite in article-api #47 (wachterjohannes)
- Changed default sort order in list to desc by authored #45 (trickreich)
- Fixed search result link #44 (trickreich)
- Added column type translation in list; Added type translation in es object #43 (trickreich)
- [BUGFIX] Fixed sort order in elasstic serach with camelcase #42 (trickreich)
- Added toolbar with status and drafting workflow #40 (trickreich)
- Template inheritance #39 (alexander-schranz)
- Updated ongr meta-data #38 (chirimoya)
- Fixed list search by adding query-string-query #37 (wachterjohannes)
- Added preview; Added translation in search overlay; Renamed structure tag type #36 (trickreich)
- Implemented article-link provider and custom ui #35 (wachterjohannes)
- Added tab 'all'; Fixed bug with missing selection of current tab #33 (trickreich)
- Added WebsiteArticleController; Modified documentation; Added example files #32 (trickreich)
- Fixed authors override on put #31 (wachterjohannes)
- Added sitemap provider #30 (wachterjohannes)
- Fixed proxy-cache-dir #29 (wachterjohannes)
- Removed drop index on clear #28 (wachterjohannes)
- Fix search when unter uppercase values #27 (alexander-schranz)
- Only index the media without ids array and displayoption #25 (alexander-schranz)
- Extension index factory and artice indexer clean up #24 (alexander-schranz)
- Changed exclusion-policy to all #23 (wachterjohannes)
- updated readme to latest configuration format #22 (nnatter)
- Added configuration for overriding ongr-document #21 (wachterjohannes)
- Added array-serialiation for page-style #20 (wachterjohannes)
- Implemented editable route-path #19 (wachterjohannes)
- Fix media ids in ongr media collection document #18 (alexander-schranz)
- Add medias with title, url and thumbnails to index #17 (alexander-schranz)
- Added teaser-attributes #16 (wachterjohannes)
- Updated mapping for elastic index #15 (wachterjohannes)
- Implemented by-type and by-template route-generator #14 (wachterjohannes)
- added authored date and settings tab #13 (wachterjohannes)
- Added teaser-provider #11 (wachterjohannes)
- Implemented data-provider for smart-content #10 (wachterjohannes)
- Added category and tags to ongr-index #9 (wachterjohannes)
- Publishing #6 (alexander-schranz)
- Add excerpt and seo extension to article document #5 (alexander-schranz)
- Add article types #2 (wachterjohannes)
- Implemented basic article-document #1 (wachterjohannes)