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Here, I used the different types of data for better understanding about the Advanced regression.

Simple Linear Regression: Adverstising dataset

Multiple Linear Regression: Advertising Dataset

Modeling non-linear relationships using data transformation: AR - Examples-1.5 (Time and Distance dataset)

Modeling non-linear relationship using Polynomial Regression: AR- Examples-1.6 (Marks Dataset)

In the python file, First I checked the relationship between the target and independent variable after that the steps is below :

  • Splitting the dataset into X and y
  • Building the regression
  • Predictions on the basis of model
  • Find the value of R-squared
  • Visualizing the model fit (Regression plot)
  • Model Coefficients: beta0 and beta1 (In the equation of Simple Linear Regression)
  • Metrics to assess model performance (RSS, MSE, RMSE)
  • Residuals Analysis
  • Residuals analysis vs Predictions plots
  • Distributions of errors (Distribution plot for check the normality of error of normality)
  • Matrix Multiplications ($\widehat{\beta}=(X^{T}.X)^{-1}.X^{T}.Y$)
  • Data transformation